Chapter X: 900 Years✔️

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3rd POV-

Klaus had four wine glasses of Sadie's blood on the coffee table. His blue eyes staring at them in wonder. She was something extraordinary. Even he could see it. And not just because of the deep red liquid that seemed to have a gold shimmer to it. The blonde spitfire seemed to surprise him even without knowing her long. The way she refused him when the young Gilbert was trying to help her. The way she used her power to get into his mind. She was different. And Klaus was intrigued.

Walking to the coffins that he had moved into the living room, his eyes fell upon them. His family. The people who were supposed to be loyal and supportive to him no matter what. He hoped this would be enough of a peace offering. He went to the first one, eyes falling on his eldest brother. Finn Mikaelson. He had the most reason to be upset with Klaus. Daggered for 900 years. He had missed so much and Klaus knew he would be the most angered. Wrapping his hands around the dagger, he yanked it out.

Waiting. Klaus had sat in front of the coffee table, waiting. It took nearly an hour for Finn to sit up with a gasp, almost enough time for Niklaus to change his mind. Finn's eyes were dazed, before he snapped his head around to glare at Niklaus. He wasted no time in flashing towards Klaus, breaking a chair on his way and stabbing the splintered wood into Klaus's stomach. A grunt left his lips in pain.

"Finn-" Klaus tried, but Finn growled, fangs out- veins popping up under his darkened eyes.

"900 Years, Klaus. NINE HUNDRED!" Finn exclaimed, removing the makeshift stake and stabbing it closer to his heart.

"I- I was protecting you- I have something for you!" Klaus tried again but Finn only ignored him, stabbing him once more before dropping his young brother.

"I want nothing from you. I'm leaving." Finn snarled before his nose twitched. His eyes darted to the wine glasses. "What is that? A bribe? You think a glass of blood would keep me with you?" He questioned. He was hungry. 900 years of being dagger- starved. Between being put down like an animal and basically desiccating in the coffin- Finn was curious of his brother's thought process.

"It's more than that, brother. It's the key to your happiness." Klaus told him, causing Finn to raise his eyebrow towards him before glancing back to the blood. Watching the deep red swirl in the glass on its own. His eyes widened just a fraction. He recognized the golden shimmer to the red liquid. From scrolls and books- He didn't believe it, though. He couldn't. Did Klaus really get him his freedom? Save him from doing his Mother's bidding?

"Is that-"

"It is. You hate what you are. Cursed for all of eternity." Klaus stated, moving to grab the glass of blood and swirled it in the glass himself, a shimmer catching Finn's eyes. "Allow me to turn your curse into a gift, brother." He finished, holding the glass to him. Finn stood there, staring at the blood- the sweet scent of flowers hitting his nose and making his nostrils twitch in excitement. He could smell the distinct flower in the liquid. Poppy's. Something tied to Death.

"What's the catch?" Finn questioned, his eyes darting to Klaus in an accusatory glance. Narrowed and waiting for some kind of reason for the bribe. Klaus held his brother's gaze, guilt in his blue eyes. He had always felt bad for what he had done to his older brother. But his want to keep him alive was strong and he knew Finn was the suicidal one of the family. Never wanting to be what he was. Thinking his whole life was cursed to never have a family- to feed on the innocent. Never see an end to this miserable life.  The only good thing he had was the handmaiden, his mate, Sage.

"No catch, brother." Klaus told him, watching Finn narrow his eyes at him before sighing in defeat. Finn was no idiot when it came to his young brother's ways. "The Succubus who has given her blood- she needs protection. Our protection." Finn raised his brow at his brother, shocked he would be offering such a great prize in exchange of helping someone else. He had thought he would be anchored to stay here. Live by his brother's side for this miraculous gift.

"Protection? From what?" Finn asked, his eyes darting between Klaus and the blood that was so alluring that his mouth was salivating. 900 years of starving. And this glass of blood would quench that thirst simply.

"Not what- who. Travelers." Finn snapped his gaze to Klaus, confused and shocked. "She is the last and only Dark Succubus." Finn's eyes widened so large you could nearly see the blood vessels popping in the white of his eyes.

"She was born on the-" Klaus nodded.

"Friday the thirteenth, under the changing moon." Klaus assured. This really pulled Finn's interest. He had met a Succubus once before, but that was a long time ago and she was just a normal sex feeding creature. He had indulged in the desire for a short period before moving on to Sage, his true love.

"So- all I need to do is protect her?" Klaus nodded. "No tie to you at all?" He shook his head with a sad-pained expression. "Deal." Finn breathed before flashing towards Klaus and taking the glass. He took his time letting the small amount of blood pour into his mouth. Flicking his tongue through it. Feeling the thickness- yet smoothness of the liquid. Tasting the sweet yet earthy flavor of it. It caused a groan to vibrate through his throat. It was blissful. This is how he would imagine Unicorn blood would be if they were real.

Klaus watched his brother indulge in the taste of the blood. A bit jealous that he was content with his lifestyle. He would never taste the blood of his intriguing Succubus- unless she allowed it as he marked her. Klaus couldn't explain the need to mark her. It was a feeling in the furthest pits of his mind and stomach. Desperation. Something he saw as weak- but necessary. All weaknesses could be turned into a strength. As long as he played his cards right.

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