Chapter XI: A Noble Deny✔️

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3rd POV-

Klaus smiled as he watched his older brother move to the coffins. His eyes glancing over his two other brothers and his sister.

"There are three other glasses. Do you plan to offer them the same gift?" Finn questioned, turning his head to see Klaus nod.

"Although- I think I might be stabbed a few more times before the day is over." Klaus said with a look of worry. Stabbing doesn't really harm him, but it does in fact hurt quite a bit. Finn raised his eyebrow at his brother.

"Not like you deserve it or anything." Finn muttered sarcastically. Klaus laughed, his eyes on Finn.

"I don't think I've ever heard you joke before."

"Probably because I've been daggered for 900 years. But who's counting." Finn pushed, earning a sad look from Klaus. Finn shook his head before Klaus could throw another apology at him. "Elijah next then? I doubt he'll accept the blood of the Succubus. He was always alright with this lifestyle. Not as much as you of course."

"I agree. But Rebekah and Kol on the other hand-" Klaus glanced towards said siblings. Both grey and veiny with the silver daggers in their chests. Klaus snapped his gaze to see Elijah's dagger removed and Finn holding it. "Hopefully he still sides with protecting her. She needs us." Klaus breathed as he awaited his noble brothers' awakening.

Finn stared at his brother in surprise. Klaus wasn't known for wanting to help someone for nothing. He wondered what the woman held over him.

"Why are you doing this?" Finn questioned, causing Klaus to glance at him. They had some time before Elijah would wake up, probably not as long as it did for Finn, but still.

"She came to me for help. Who am I to deny such an exquisite creature assistance?" Klaus told him, followed by a smirk. Finn shook his head. He didn't accept that answer.

"Don't lie, Niklaus. It's not a good look on you." Finn said, causing Klaus to huff with a slight pout.

"Every look is a good look on me." He argued before sighing. "I don't know though. There is something about her- it pulls me to her."

"She is a Succubus." Finn pointed out. But Klaus shook his head.

"It's more than that." He told him. Finn nodded, not wanting to push him for anymore information. He had a feeling what it was. He felt the same with Sage. His beloved. His Mate. Finn smiled at the thought of her- he was curious if she was still around. He didn't feel any sort of pain, which meant she had to be. But was she waiting for him?

A half hour was all it took for Elijah- him being the second most recent daggering. He sat up gracefully- no gasp. Always so elegant and pristine. His eyes darted between Klaus and curiously at Finn.

"Finn- I never thought I would see you standing before me unless on the other side." Elijah admitted while standing up out of the coffin. Finn nodded, a light smile pointed towards his brother. Elijah was the easiest to get along with between all the siblings. The closes to his age. The one who sided with logic and certainty. "So what brings us to this partial family reunion? And why haven't you killed him yet?" Elijah questioned, his last question aimed at Finn as he looked pointedly towards Klaus. Klaus swallowed hard at the part of killing him. Looking to Finn for him to speak to Elijah.

"Klaus has bestowed a gift, so to speak. We are- for now- on decent terms." Finn filled in. Elijah raised a brow before his eyes darted to the wine glasses that were left.

"So you've found yourself the Dark Succubus." He pointed out, turning his brown eyes to Klaus. "So tell me, brother. What did you do to get blood from the strongest Succubus alive? Did you kill her? Drain her of all the blood you could and thought you could use it as a bribe to earn our good graces?" Klaus shook his head at his noble brother.

"She gave me this blood, Elijah. I would never hurt her-" Elijah chuckled as he adjusted his sleeves, making them smooth and even.

"Did you find love in her? Oh, brother." Elijah taunted slightly, flashing towards Klaus, dagger piercing into Klaus's torso, a grunt of pain from him. "Succubus don't look for love." He told him in a low and stern tone. Releasing Klaus, Elijah moved away from him. "I'll be taking my leave. I'm fine without the stolen blood." He added.

"Elijah." Finn spoke up. Elijah turned to him, brow raised and waiting for the reason of why he shouldn't be leaving now. "The Succubus needs our help. She needs protection."

"From the Travelers, yes. That would be a good- what's the word- hustle? Is that how Klaus pulled you in? No underlining catch? Are you sure? Cause when I came to our brother, demanding to be reunited with my family- he daggered me and laid me in a coffin." Klaus sighed.

"But you were reunited." Elijah turned his glare to him.

"A hustle. You see my reason for not trusting you." Elijah explained.

"I assure you brother. This is not a hustle. Sadie needs us." Finn snapped his gaze to Klaus, hearing her name for the first time felt oddly fluttery.

"Sadie?" Finn repeated. That was when a similar feeling in Klaus, pushed its way into him. His mind flooded with the name. Elijah stayed silent, looking between brothers. A feeling in his mind- his stomach and even his chest came through. Klaus watched as his brothers both seemed to be reacting the same way. Just from a name. But he knew- he knew a name was all you needed sometimes. He also knew this was something neither of the brothers ever experienced.

It wasn't the same Soulmate pull as Klaus had been feeling, unknowingly. Finn and Elijah felt something different. A need to be near her, yes- but not for love or lust. For something far different. Maybe as a Guardian? Protector? Sibling even? It wasn't heard of for a mate pull for these reasons though. But with her being the only Dark Succubus, anything was possible.

"Fine. I'll participate in this Protection over the Succubus. For her- not you." Elijah decided, his eyes glancing towards the blood. "But I will not be needing the blood." He declined simply before moving to sit on the sofa. Legs crossed and waited patiently for his other siblings to wake up. Klaus sighed, nodding. Deciding to put Elijah's blood up for the time being, that way if he ever changed his mind- it was there for him.

 Deciding to put Elijah's blood up for the time being, that way if he ever changed his mind- it was there for him

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