Chapter XV: Not Together ✔️

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Bonnie ended up leaving before the pizza came. Jeremy didn't leave though, not trusting the look in the Mikaelson Brothers eyes. He ended up pulling me aside into my bedroom before I could get comfortable.

"Tell me that you notice the look they are giving you." Jeremy said, his eyes wide in shock. I rolled my eyes at him as I changed into some comfy clothes since it was late in the day now. Nearly time to send people home just because I was tired. Not thinking about how I hadn't fed since I was with Klaus which was now a week ago.

"What look, Jer?" I questioned him as I was pulling on some sleep shorts, not caring if Jeremy was in the room. We've always been comfortable around one another. Sure he had admitted to feeling the pull of my lure, but not where he actually wanted me. And besides, we had that phase in our lives already. I was his first kiss before he was with Vicki. He was a nervous freaked out teenager and didn't want to have a bad first kiss which I had always thought was adorable. Also, he was currently staring daggers at me since I apparently didn't see what he saw right now. Or at least, I wasn't admitting to it.

"They are looking at you like you are their next meal or something!" He exclaimed, hands being tossed outwards in exaggeration. I rolled my eyes at him again, as I slipped my slipper boots on.

"You know what my allure does to people." I told him as I stood up in front of him, pulling my cardigan close to me from a slight chill in the air. I had to make sure to turn the heat on. It may be spring but the cold hasn't let up completely yet. "Besides- you do realize they have supernatural hearing, right? They can hear you." I pointed out.

"I don't think it's the same thing, Sadie." He admitted, ignoring the second part of my sentence, his face contorting into a look of being unsure. "The way the brothers looked at you was like they were claiming you with their eyes." I shook my head at him.

"The only way someone can claim me is if they bite me. Deep and intimate. Doesn't matter what they are." I told him. Jeremy arched his brow at me, confused.

"You mean that someone can actually claim you?! What the actual-" A knock on the bedroom door stopped him from his rant. I moved around Jeremy, opening the door to see Elijah standing there.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but your pizza is here." He spoke calmly. His brown eyes dashing over to Jeremy in a slight glare before looking back at me. I nodded at him with a smile.

"Thank you, I'll be right out." I told him. "Oh- the cash is on the table in the hallway-" Elijah shook his head at me.

"Klaus has taken care of it." He told me with a slight closed mouth smile. I gave him a look before huffing out a sigh.

"Of course he has." I muttered, moving around him before heading to the living room where the guys and Rebekah were sitting comfortably. "What the hell, Klaus? I can pay for my own food." I told him when he came into my line of sight. Kol oh'd like the kids did in school when you got called to the principal's office, earning a smack on the head from Rebekah.

"I gave him a nice tip, love. It's not a big deal." Klaus told me, sitting up since he could see my annoyance.

"It is a big deal. I'm not with you. I pay for my own stuff. I have money. I don't need yours." I told him sternly. If I wasn't so upset, I would have seen the look of hurt in his baby blue eyes. But I was upset- I was worried. My hands were flexing in anxiety. Klaus's eyes glanced down seeing my hands before standing up and walking towards me.

"I don't see why you are getting so worked up over this, Sadie. It's not like I bought you a car or a house." He told me calmly before trying to take my hands. Trying to stop my flexing.

"I am not dating you. I need you to know that. I need you to acknowledge it." I told him. My steel eyes staring into his eyes. This time I saw the pain in his eyes. I pulled my hands from his. Feeling the eyes of the others on me, Jeremy standing to the side.

"I get it. We are not together." Klaus repeated, his jaw clenched and lips slightly pursed in obvious discomfort. I nodded.

"Thank you." I told him before walking away into the kitchen.Taking a deep breath before hitting the button under the counter of the island to get into the secret alcohol spot. Grabbing a bottle of vodka and popping it open.

"Are you alright?" I heard Rebekah ask as she stepped into the kitchen. "You really put my brother in his place." She tried joking, but even her laugh seemed forced.

"I didn't mean to-" She shook her head, stopping me.

"No- I understand. You have reasons for being so closed off. I don't know what for. But they don't get that." She told me. I smiled slightly, offering her a glass which she rejected. "If you need to talk about it- I'd be happy to be there to listen." She offered. I smiled.

"Thank you."


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