Chapter IV: Deal with the Devil ✔

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Jeremy ended up recommending we go to The Mystic Grill for breakfast, which I was totally up for since I had literally nothing to eat except for some oyster crackers. Thankfully, Jeremy had taken the Gilbert car since my car was not in town yet. I had taken, or well used my powers to have a human drive me to the town sign which I then walked from. 

"So you don't plan on staying here permanently, do you?" Jeremy asked as he drove us to the Grill. His eyes glanced towards me momentarily before glancing back at the road. We weren't far from the bar, but far enough to make driving it a lot easier.

"I don't know, Jer. I only came here to hide for now." I told him. I hated how it sounded. Hiding. A weak thing to do. But I had no way of protecting myself from the travelers yet. They were strong, especially in groups. Suffocating. The moment they almost had me- I felt like I was an elk surrounded by lions. Or a bear with its leg stuck in a trap. The feeling of the air being sucked out of my lungs. 

"Sadie!" I snapped out of my trance, looking over at him. "What happened? You seemed like you were in your head and your breathing- I thought you were going into a panic attack.." He told me. I looked up to see we were at the bar. I hadn't realized how much I had zoned out.

"I- I'm fine. Let's go eat. I'm famished." I told him with a slight smile. Jeremy hit the lock button causing me to stop when I tried to open the door.

"Talk to me, Sadie. You are not fine." I looked at him confused. He gave me a look, "I've known you forever. I know when you are lying." I sighed.

"I have people after me, Jeremy. My brother is protecting me, not to mention I haven't heard from my father since he left to protect me." I told him in what seemed like a single breath. "If I stay here, I could be putting your life and others in jeopardy." I said with a sigh. Jeremy reached over and took my hand, calmly. 

"Don't worry about my life, Sades." I smiled slightly at the nickname. I hadn't heard him call me that since I was sixteen and it was something I had loved. "There are people here that can protect you." I shook my head at him, trying to pry my hand from his.

"Jeremy I don't-"

"No, Sadie. Have you ever heard of the Originals?" He asked me. I raised my eyebrow at him, tilting my head slightly. 

"The originals? Like the original vampires?" I questioned him. Jeremy nodded. 

"Klaus, he's trouble. A temper, but- I think if we find something he wants...maybe he will make a deal with us?" I shook my head at him with a deep sigh.

"Jeremy- Have you ever seen Once Upon a Time? Making deals with the supposed bad guy, is how people die." I said making Jeremy copy me while shaking his head.

"It'll work. He has a family- they follow his lead. Well most of the time. They are strong." He looked up as a man was walking into the Mystic Grill. Jeremy moved before I could react, getting out of the car and walking to the entrance. 

"Jer- Son of a-" I huffed, getting out of the car, walking to the door to see him already talking to the blonde haired man. When I entered the bar, his blue/green eyes snapped to me, curiosity filling them. Marching my way over to them, I grabbed Jeremy's forearm. "Jeremy, that is enough." I snapped, anger evident in my tone. My eyes looking at the vampire, the aura around him causing me to tilt my head slightly.

I could feel it. A pull. Like some kind of supernatural force trying to pull us together. From the look in his Blue/green eyes, I could only assume he had felt it as well. His eyebrow raised in amusement and curiosity. Like he was trying to figure out what I was doing to him, even if I was doing nothing at all.

"Well hello there." He breathed with a smirk, a slight accent coating his words. British perhaps? His eyes looked so amazed as he looked at me. Scanning my figure. "Niklaus Mikaelson." He introduced, holding his hand to me. I looked at his hand before looking back at him. 

"Sadie Emersyn." I told him without touching his hand. "Jeremy, let's go." I told him in a low breath. Klaus went to stand up, dropping his hand.

"Sadie, please sit. Young Gilbert here was just asking for a deal- I think we could have a lot to talk about." He spoke smoothly. Like a fine wine aged to perfection. I glanced around, seeing if anyone had unnatural hearing that would be able to hear me.

"I'm not here to make a deal with the devil. Thanks though." I told him in a low tone, before yanking Jeremy away and sat us at a booth far away from Klaus. His blue/green eyes never left me as I sat far away from him. I tapped my nails along the booth table, causing a slight ringing noise to echo into the air. A little trick I learned from Sawyer to keep unwanted listeners from my conversations. It was something only Succubus or Incubus could do. Like burning sage for a witch. I watched as Klaus's eyebrow raised as if impressed. 

"What the hell, Sadie!?" Jeremy snapped at me, rubbing his arm where I had gripped him tightly. My eyes looked it over to see a slight bruising. I wasn’t as strong as a Vampire, but my strength did rival some Supernatural Beings. And sometimes I did forget about it.

"Sorry." I mumbled, keeping my eyes away from the hybrid across the bar. His eyes burned through me. "I don't need his help. Making a deal with someone like him will end up with me becoming a slave to him. I'm not giving my life up." Jeremy looked at me, confused. "My blood, Jeremy." His eyes widened in realization before he nodded.

"I-I didn't think-" I nodded at him, my nails still tapping along the table top. To most, I probably looked anxious. Like I was freaked out by something or high on some very nice drugs.

"I'll do everything I can to stay here for as long as I can, Jeremy. It'll be okay." I tried to assure him. Knowing his heart was in the best place. Jeremy smiled at me.

"We will figure this out. Even if I have to leave town with you." 


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