Chapter I: Poppys✔

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Entering the Mystic Grill, all attention turned towards me. Feeling the eyes drag along my body, before widening in recognition. No one moved though. Whether from shock or fear, or maybe just purely out of respect. My heels clicked as I walked my way over to the bar, sitting down with my ankles crossed to the side and my elbow on the bar. 

"Sadie?" My steel eyes snapped to the bartender, analyzing the blonde hair and blue eyes before I saw the familiar dimples from his smile.

"Mattie-blue?" I questioned as my own eyes widened just a hare. He smiled, nodding. "Well haven't you- grown up." I said with a flirty smile, leaning onto the bar slightly. My eyes were hooding to add to the effect he was probably already feeling from my natural aura.

"Well, it has been four years. You- you look great.” He slammered a bit before shooting off questions, “Where have you been? Are you back for good?? Is Sawyer back as well?" I held up my hand to him, stopping his long list of questions.

"Maybe a drink while we chat?" I asked him, pulling my lip between my teeth.

"Sure, what will it be?" He asked almost too eagerly. His blue eyes glancing at my lips as my bottom lip pops out of my teeth and a smile pulls the corners of my mouth upwards.

"Whiskey Sour, please Mattie." I said with a smile causing him to redden slightly, nodding before walking away to get it. 

"Not a very lady-like drink." I turned my head slightly to see a raven haired man next to me, about two stools down. His eyes on his drink, which looked to be bourbon. A blue Lapis ring engulfing his finger pulling my eyes in. Vampire. 

"And Bourbon is not a very Vampire drink." I muttered under my breath causing him to stiffen slightly. "Wouldn't you rather it from the vein? Or at least 98.6 degrees?" His head turned towards me, his eyes a striking blue, scanning over me before a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. 

"Are you offering?" His question brought a smile out of me. Laying my wrist upwards on the bar table, his eyes snapping to it as I took a manicure nail and dragged it over my skin. Just enough to draw the smallest red line of blood. I watched in amazement as the veins under his eyes appeared, his once blue eyes fading into a dark black-red color. The smirk dropped from his mouth as his jaw clenched. That was the thing, my blood was just as alluring as I was. 

"You seem to be struggling." I started before my smile turned devilish. "Are you quite alright?" I asked as Matt placed my drink down in front of me on top of a napkin. His eyes glanced between me and the man next to me. "Mattie, maybe you should cut him off. He seems to not be able to handle his alcohol any longer." I told him with a smile that screamed innocence. 

"Maybe you should head home, Damon." Matt muttered. His tone was off, like he had a clear dislike for this Damon guy. When I was last here, Matt seemed to get along with everybody. Only butting heads with Tyler on occasion. But that was a normal teen-kid thing to do. This though- Matt did not like Damon one bit. I was curious if he knew what Damon was. If he did- why did he not like them? He would always have a good reason for not liking someone or something.

"Right." Damon breathed, grabbing his drink and tossing it back before slamming the glass onto the counter, standing up. His eyes were nearly back to the normal blue as he stared at me down. Eyes wide and eyebrows knitted together as if he was trying to read my mind. 

"Sorry, Edward Cullen. My mind is closed for the day." I said with a smile. "Maybe next time." I added with a small finger wave as he huffed and walked away. My head turned back to Matt, grabbing my drink and taking a small sip. Alcohol had little to no effect on me. Feeling as smooth as water going down my throat. But the flavor was always nice. The slight bitterness, sometimes a bit of a tang to it. It was relaxing.

"Come on, Sadie. It's killing me. Where did you go?" Matt asked as I placed my drink down. 

"I went to college, Mattie. You know my young mind had big dreams." I told him. It was a complete lie. But I couldn't tell him I had left to train with Sawyer. Leaving town was his idea. Once I had turned eighteen my blood turned golden, not literally of course. Although, the supernatural eyes say it does have a slight glow. Like an after sex glow that people tend to get. But if you actually looked at it, it had a slight shimmer of gold to it. Like a bottle of red nail polish freshly opened.

"College? I did not think you would want to do college. Maybe travel the world. You always wanted out of this dull town." He responded as he acted like a normal bartender, wiping down the bar and taking the glass that Damon left behind. "Are you here for good? Back at the Poppy house?" I smiled at the mention of my home. Everyone had called it the poppy house for it had a huge field around it of nothing but poppy's. I remember Sawyer and father telling me stories of how the poppy's appeared once I was born. Like a sign of my life. 

"I'm thinking about it. Something about Mystic Falls just pulls me in, you know? Like something interesting is happening and I don't want to miss it." Matt looked at me when I said that. His eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't know, Sadie. Some things are worth missing. Not everything is good." He tried to explain, but this just made me smirk towards him as I drank my drink.

"Neither am I, Mattie. Neither am I."


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