Chapter XXIII: Late Night Problems ✔️

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The next morning I woke up to a knock on the front door. I tried to sit up only to realize that I had arms wrapped around me. My eyes looking around to see Kol was hugging me close to him, like his life depended on keeping me close. Smiling, I stared at him for a moment. He looked so peaceful. I heard talking, which is what tore my gaze from Kol's peaceful face.

Looking out the window, I noticed that it was still dark out. My eyes darted to the clock to see it was only a little past Five in the morning. Odd. Who would come to the house at this time? I grabbed Kol's arm gently, prying him off of me before sitting up and sliding out of bed. My eyes looked around for Jeremy only to see him hugging a pillow on the floor. I laughed silently at him. He was a restless sleeper it seemed. Always hanging off the bed or on the floor.

I moved away from the bed to open my door and sneak out quietly. When I walked down the hall, I noticed Sawyer closing the front door before turning to see me standing there.

"Why are you up?" He asked in a gruff voice. I furrowed my brows as I looked at him.

"I heard someone at the door. Who was it?" I questioned him. Sawyer shook his head at me.

"Just a sales rep." He mumbled, walking towards the kitchen. I looked after him, even more confused.

"A sales rep at five in the morning?" I questioned him as I followed him into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled the milk out. He popped the carton open before drinking straight from the carton. My eyes narrowed at him. Realizing what was going on. "Who are you?" I asked, my eyes staying on him as I back up slightly. He pulled the carton away from his mouth, a slight laugh leaving his lips.

"I don't know why you couldn't just believe me- better yet, why you couldn't have just stayed in bed." He spoke calmly. My eyes were burning bright orange as I tried to remain calm. His eyes snapped towards me, black for a second before fading back to the light blue color. Confirming my thoughts.

"Release my brother." I spoke in the most demanding tone I could muster up. Which wasn't great since I was shaking. Fear of my brother being hurt. Sawyer tilted his head at me as he walked over to the counter, placing the carton down before grabbing a knife from the knife block.

"I think I rather like this body. It's a lot bigger than I had last time. And the sex I get to have-" He whistled, I opened my mouth but stopped when he shook his head at me. "Scream for help and I'll have to damage this amazing body."

"What do you want then?" I asked, my eyes burning on the knife he held. Walking over to me slowly.

"I want what all the Travelers want." He breathed out as he stepped to stand in front of me. "You." He said before throwing his hand out, the knife embedding itself into my stomach before I could do anything. Grunting from the pain, I grabbed his arm tightly. My free hand jabbing out and hitting his arm hard. He released the knife that was still lodged in me before I flung my leg out, kicking him away from me.

"My brother can heal." I muttered, wrapping my hand around the knife handle and pulling it out of me, grimacing at the pain as blood flowed out with it. He jumped up quickly, throwing his fist towards my face which I caught but ended up hitting me with his other fist. I let out a gasp as his fist hit my stomach. A small scream left my lips as he moved to grab my face. His fingers dug into my head before he slammed my head to the side into the fridge. The pain was burning- My ears were ringing from the collision. I could feel my eyes flashing between orange and steel, trying to refocus as I noticed 'Sawyer' throwing his fist into my face. My vision went dark for just a minute. My eyes see Kol grabbing Sawyer as I refocused again. "Kol!" I yelled as I fell backwards from being disorientated. Kol looked at me, his eyes dark. "He's my brother-"

"Sleep." Kol demanded, causing Sawyer to drop to the ground in a slump. Jeremy was behind me before he grabbed my face, looking over me.

"What happened?!?" He exclaimed, his eyes staring at my face before looking at the red shimmering blood pooling on my stomach. Jeremy's hand had blood on it from where he had held my head. Kol pushed Jeremy aside gently.

"Call my brother." Kol told him as he looked at me. His eyes looked from my face to my blood.

"But-" Kol shook his head.

"I'll take care of her. Go." Jeremy nodded as Kol scooped me up gently. My vision was all over the place, blurry and dark. "I wish this was under different circumstances." Kol mumbled as he carried me to my room where we were once sleeping peacefully. He leaned over me, kissing me on the cheek. "Is this okay?" He questioned.

"Kol-" I breathed, grabbing his face and pulling him towards me. My body was more desperate for this than it should have been- since I hadn't fed in a while anyway. But the pull from him was unbearable at this point. Our lips met in a desperate collision of not only need but want.

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