Chapter IX: Just a Bite✔️

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Klaus and I were laying in my bed still after our long eventful afternoon. Neither of us had it in us to get dressed, our legs tangled as we stared up at my chipping ceiling.

"When did you want that blood?" I asked, breaking the silence that was calming and comfortable. Klaus turned his head to me, smirking slightly.

"Well if you're offering, love." He breathed, moving towards me with his fangs out and yellow eyes glowing. I laughed at him.

"Not like that." I told him with a laugh. Klaus rolled his eyes, his eyes returning to normal but his fangs still slightly extended.

"A drink wouldn't hurt, though." He muttered. I pulled my legs from him, sitting up. I knew what he wanted. A simple drink to a Vampire is always going to be from the vein. But I can't-

"Then I'll get you a glass of water- or I could get you alcohol?" I asked as I stood up, walking away from him with not an ounce of embarrassment, my bare back facing him in all of its glory. Klaus flashed over to me, slamming me into the wall. His face instantly in the crook of my neck, fangs rubbing against my skin, it felt good- too good. But the panic overwhelmed the pleasure as I tried to shove him away. "You can't do that!" I exclaimed as he let me push him away.

"What's wrong with a little bite, love?" He questioned as he sat on the bed, head tilted and blue eyes on me. There was a slight hint of worry, probably at seeing the panic in my eyes.

"You'd be marking me- claiming me. You can't do that." I told him as I went to my suitcase and pulled on some clothes. Staying alert in case he tried to grab at me.

"Mark you? You've been with vampires before and they haven't bit you?" I shook my head at him, sighing at him.

"I make sure they don't. Marking a Succubus- it makes it so I could only feed from you. Only heal from you." Klaus raised his eyebrows at me, like he was learning something new. Which I assumed he was. "It's like a mate thing. When I offer blood, I usually slice my wrist or something and pour it into a glass or even a needle and bloodbag-" I ranted off only stopping when Klaus stood up and kissed me.

"Calm down, Sadie. I get it." Klaus muttered when he released me. A smirk stretching across his face. "I'll only bite you when you ask me to." He winked, before backing away from me and pulling on his clothes. I stood there kind of flabbergasted. He was probably only teasing me, joking. Yeah. Joking. "So how did you keep Vampires from biting you all these years?" He asked as he dressed. I hummed slightly in thought.

"A little persuasion works on everyone. And besides, wolves were the ones I had to worry about most." I told him, causing him to laugh. "I'm serious. Those pups just want something to sink their teeth into." Klaus let out a deep growl.

"I know I would." He winked, causing me to roll my eyes.


After giving Klaus two pints of my blood, he left happily. His number was on my fridge since I didn't have a phone. The look on his face when he had learned I didn't have a cell phone was hilarious. Like he couldn't believe a woman wouldn't be glued to her small smartphone. But I always got along fine without technology. I was currently working on tidying up the inside of the house. My mind buzzes in thought.

Why was Klaus acting like that? He kept saying things, like wanting to bite me. Not to mention the pull I felt from him. It wasn't something I had felt before. A feeling to be with someone. I almost wanted him to bite me.

"I'll only bite you when you ask me to."

His voice rang through my mind, echoing around like it was bouncing off the walls of my head. What did he mean by that? Did he actually mean it? Does that mean he wants to bite me? Did he want me to rely on him? To only come to him to feed or heal? Did he feel the pull as well? I almost wish he hadn't left. Almost.

My mind stopped its thought only when the doorbell rang. I laid the rag and furniture spray down and went to the door. Eyebrows raised when I saw who was standing in front of me. Jeremy in front with Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett and Elena Gilbert behind him. Caroline pushed her way to the front with a huge grin.

"I can't believe you are actually back!!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Jeremy mentioned you might need some help with cleaning up.." Elena trailed off, her eyes glancing past me to the actual house. Her eyes held disgust. Elena Gilbert and I had a mutual dislike for each other. Ever since I yelled at her in my freshman year, telling her my brother would never go for her- she had hated me. But you can't blame me. My brother was an adult when she was in Freshman year. It'd be illegal and he doesn't date. Obviously.

"You guys didn't have to come all this way to help me.." I told them a bit embarrassed and a glare directed towards Jeremy. He grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck before pushing his way inside.

"Sadie- this will take you a week- okay maybe a month. At least let us help." He told me sternly.

"Yeah! We can make it a party. A cleaning party!" Caroline cheered, causing me to laugh.

"Alright, come on in." I knew Caroline was a vampire. I could sense it. She gave me a look, almost like she was unsure. "It's alright, Care. Come in." I repeated to her, trying to reassure her. She smiled, nodding before entering with Elena and Bonnie behind her.

"Oh, my god. This might take a few days. You need new furniture.." Bonnie muttered, her brown eyes looking around. I laughed, nodding. Bonnie and I were close at one point. But the thing was, I was the person who believed her grams when she ranted about them being witches. I always believed in the supernatural. I never thought I was part of the Supernatural. But I still believed in it. Bonnie dropped me, thinking I was insane for believing it all. Her loss, I suppose.

"I actually have a furniture catalogue we can order from." I told her with a grin. Caroline jumped up and down, clapping. Caroline was always my favorite of the three. Well, not my favorite between her and Jeremy. Jeremy would always be my favorite. But Caroline was always a good friend. Even when I had to tell her that she couldn't be with my brother. Unlike Elena, she just let it go. Eyeing him from afar, which I didn't mind.

"This is going to be sooooo much fun!!" And that was how the night and next few days would go. Cleaning and waiting for the new furniture. Dancing to music and eating pizza, since I still needed to go to the grocery store.

 Dancing to music and eating pizza, since I still needed to go to the grocery store

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