Chapter XXVI: Sawyer✔️

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Walking out of my bedroom, Kol behind me. A flash appeared in front of me. Klaus' blue eyes scanning over my face before moving onto my body. A sigh left his lips as he saw no damage on me.

"I'm okay, Klaus." I told him calmly. Reading the look of conflict on his face. I could see clearly that he was a mixture of upset and scared. His jaw clenched as he held back whatever he was wanting to say and instead only nodded stiffly. He went to walk away but I grabbed his hand, pulling him into me. My arms wrapped around his neck as I held him to me tightly in a warm embrace. Klaus froze, shocked- uncertain- before he finally wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." He breathed into my hair. I felt all warm and tingly from his hold. Which caused me more confusion. Kol and Klaus both caused some kind of warm-tingly feeling in me. Like we were bonded even though we weren't. Was it normal? Did it mean something? Elijah and Finn both had a weird feeling around me as well. But it was different. Not as tingly and warm. I don't know these people that much- but I felt like I've known them for as long as they have been alive. Which is impossible.

"I'm sorry." I replied as he pulled back, leaning his forehead to mine in a way of showing me I had his affection. It was nice. Not something I was used to. It was something I thought I had with Trent. But feeling the warmth from Klaus and Kol- it made me see how wrong I was about what I had thought I had felt with Trent. To show some affection back, I pressed a short kiss to Klaus' lips. Catching him completely off guard before backing away from him to see my brother on the couch with Finn and Elijah holding him in place.

"Are you quite finished?" Sawyer spoke in disgust. His eyes flashing black to me. I walked up to him, kneeling slightly in front of him.

"What's your name?" I questioned calmly, not worried about him hurting me. I had never felt more safe than I did in this room. Jeremy and Kol both stood to the left of me and Klaus was to the right. All waiting for Sawyer to jump at me. Rebekah stood more back, knowing if she was needed she could help. Sawyer looked up at me in annoyance.

"Markos." He spoke with a sly smirk. His eyes snapping over to the others to see their reactions. I shook my head at him.

"Try again." I told him confidently. Markos was dead. Had been dead for a very long time.

"Que veux-tu que je te dise, Succube?" He spoke calmly in French. I raised my eyebrow at him. (What do you wish for me to say, Succubus?)

"What do you want from me?" I asked instead. His eyes scanned over me slowly making me feel nauseous.

"Offrez-vous? C'est peut-être bizarre avec le corps, mais je pourrais le faire fonctionner." He said simply with a raised eyebrow. Kol moved around me and threw his fist into his face causing his face to move to the side roughly. (Are you offering? Might be odd with the body- but I could make it work.)

"Don't speak about her like that." Kol growled harshly. Clearly Kol was the only one who actually understood what he had said since Klaus was looking between his younger brother and Sawyer. I grabbed Kol by the shoulder and pulled him back slightly.

"It's fine, Kol." I told him, trying to make him calm down. He shook his head at me, clearly not happy.

"What did he say?" Klaus asked, his blue eyes darting between us.

"It doesn't matter." I said sternly. My eyes met with Sawyers once more. "Vyjdi." I spoke towards him. Sawyers' eyes went black before fading back into the blue. Sawyer stared at me for a minute, blinking several times before focusing on me.

"Sadie?" Sawyer questioned, confused. He tried to lift his hand to his face from being punched but Finn held him down. This caused Sawyer to turn his head towards him. "Wh-what is this?" I looked to Finn, nodding for him to release him, Elijah following suit.

"You have a Passenger in you." I told him as he brought his hand to his face, feeling the forming bruise on his cheek. His eyes snapped up to me in haste, worry filtering through his crystal eyes.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked quickly, his eyes scanning over me. It was like he was doing the same thing that Klaus had done, but more out of worry of any damage he had done to his own sister. Whereas, Klaus did it out of concern for me altogether.

"Nothing I couldn't heal from." I told him, but Kol jumped in with a heated glare.

"Yeah- nothing bad at all. Just a knife to her stomach and smashing her face in." Kol growled with narrowed eyes. "But no- no harm done." Klaus growled along with Kol. Both being territorial. Finn and Elijah were calm, but alert.

"Enough you two." I told them sternly. Sawyer let out a shaky breath.

"I- I'm sorry, Sadie. I had no- I had no idea." He offered. I nodded at him, but my eyes held sorrow.

"You know what this means, Sawyer." I told him, trying to remain calm. He stood up, much to the dismay of the others. Jeremy was the only one who was calm. He knew my relationship with Sawyer. He was a protector before he was my brother. He knew what was about to happen.

"You stay here. I'll leave-" I shook my head at him.

"He knows where I am." I pointed out. "He'll just come back for me- or send others. He could have already sent for others." I ran my hand through my blonde curls as I began to pace. Kol grabbed me, stopping my pacing. His brown eyes staring down at me.

"I told you I won't leave your side. Wherever you go, I go." Kol told me calmly. I smiled up at him as Elijah and Finn stood up.

"We will all go with you." Elijah clarified. Finn nodded.

"I don't want to run." I told them in a small voice. I hated this. I wanted to stay in the home I grew up in- the home I renovated to fit my lifestyle. Hell, I didn't want to leave my friends. Caroline, Bonnie- Jeremy. My eyes snapped to him to see he looked sad.

"It's okay, Sadie." He told me, walking over to me. "It's going to be okay." He whispered before pulling me to him and hugging me close to him.

"It's going to be okay." I repeated.

" I repeated

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