Chapter XXXI: Give Love a Second Chance✔️

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The next day, getting up was odd. Like I didn't sleep much last night. Which I don't think I actually did. Have you ever had it where you slept the whole recommended eight hours and yet you felt like your brain was active the whole time which leads to feeling unrested? That's how I feel right now. I didn't dream. Just kept thinking about what I was going to do between the stress of running from the Travelers to the thoughts of what is going on between me, Kol and Klaus.

I know the Kol and Klaus thing isn't really all that much to think about. We like one another. But It's scary. I don't date or anything. The one time I did it ended in fear and death. Fear of being controlled. Most would think I was crazy to be so freaked out by that. When Trent bit me, claiming me as his. Most girls or even men would think it was so sweet he would want to show everyone who I belonged to. But as sweet as that seems.. It's not all rainbows and butterflies.

"Are you awake, love?" I sat up to see Klaus standing in the doorway of my room. Once he saw me sit up, a smile pulled at his lips as he walked in. "Care to get out for a bit?" I smiled at his question, nodding.

"I suppose we could get out for a bit." I told him as I went to get up. But before I could, Klaus came up to the side of the bed and basically tackled me back down. Not like in a harmful way- but something I could see Kol doing, not Klaus. A gasp left my lips as he hugged me. Keeping me down on the bed. "What are you doing??" I questioned with a laugh. Klaus shrugged, not releasing me. But I slowly realized what was going on. "You were home last night- you heard me with Elijah and Finn." It wasn't a question. I just stated it plain and simple.

"Maybe." He mumbled against my chest. Yeah- his face was basically in my boobs. Not that I minded, his breath was warming my body up without needing an actual blanket. That's why when he lifted his head up, I whined a bit from the cold air. "Did you really mean it?"  I stared into his blue eyes. Did I?

Finn and Elijah ended up dragging me- well mostly Finn- to the sofa in the living room so I could tell them what was happening. Finn seemed to want to know more than Elijah which threw me for a loop. I guess being locked up for so long in the coffin made him just want to be a part of all the gossip.

"Well? Go on. What is going on with you and our brothers?" Finn pushed, causing me to laugh.

"I don't actually know." I admitted to them. Elijah tilted his head at me, his eyebrows lacing together in the middle as if he was trying to put together an edgeless puzzle.

"What made you choose not to be with people?" He voiced his thoughts. My steel eyes flashed orange in shock before blinking a few times. "Something happened." He clarified, making me nod.

"It doesn't matter anymore." I told him before shaking my head. Finn sighed.

"It does matter if it is still influencing your choices now. What happened? Is the person still alive? Should I get Kol and Rebekah to take care of them? Kol loves the thrill of a kill-"

"Finn!" I exclaimed, stopping his thought of murder. "He is already dead. So like I said, it doesn't matter anymore." Elijah shook his head this time.

"He haunts you though." He pointed out. I nodded followed by a shrug.

"His name was Trent." I told them, causing Finn to lean in closer since I was speaking a bit softly. "We were in love."

"Did he cheat on you?" Elijah questioned, obviously curious as to what made me the way I am. So closed off and hiding behind a wall of concrete and brick.

"I kind of wish he did. " I let out a dry laugh. "No, he claimed me." Finn looked at me confused but Elijah looked pissed off. Have you ever seen a Noble man mad? It's a bit frightening. Very calm, but his jaw was ticking in tension.

"He did it against your will, didn't he?" Elijah questioned.

"Wait. What do you mean that he claimed you?" Finn questioned, confused. Elijah sighed. He was the one who read a lot. Finn didn't really get a chance to learn about the other supernatural creatures, only knew of their existence.

"Beings claim a Succubus so they have more power or if they are in love. Claiming a Succubus is to bite into their skin, essentially marking them. When forced, it's painful. But when accepted it is beautiful." Elijah explained before I spoke up.

"It makes it so I can't feed or heal from anyone other than from them."

"Unless they are dead." Elijah added with sorrow in his eyes. He knew that meant I probably had killed Trent myself. Finn seemed to go into an overprotective brother kick, his jaw tightening like Elijah's did.

"And Sawyer let this happen?!"

"It's not like I have Sawyer around 24/7. This was in Paris anyway. Sawyer wasn't there with me." I clarified before Finn could go, most likely, kill Sawyer.

"So you killed him then. Is that why you refuse to let our brothers in? Because of what one idiot did?" Elijah asked. I nodded.

"If they did that to you, I'd kill them myself." Finn admitted making me smile at him.

"I would as well. But what I don't understand is.. You feel a bond with them- both of them. How are you able to refuse them?" Elijah asked, curiosity floating in his hazel eyes.

"It's hard- I really like them. I'm just.."

"Scared." Elijah finished for me since I seemed to have been struggling. I nodded with a sigh. "You should give them a chance. Niklaus and Kol are idiots- but they wouldn't hurt you."

"I know." I admitted. I could feel they wouldn't. Letting out a sigh, as my eyes glowed a bit causing Finn and Elijah to stare at me in interest. "I'll give them a chance..."

Did I mean it? Could I give them a chance? I questioned myself as I stared into Klaus' blue eyes.

Did I mean it? Could I give them a chance? I questioned myself as I stared into Klaus' blue eyes

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