Chapter XXXIV: Cheddars and A Phone call

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Klaus and I sat in the car for a minute before I found some deeply shaded sunglasses in the glove box. My eyes were glowing so much that Klaus was joking about it as we sat to eat.

"Maybe you are still hungry-" Klaus said, about to offer himself to me for the fifth time when I snapped my eyes to his. I'm almost positive that he could see the glow which stopped his talking. His hands up in surrender. "Just offering, love."

"What a gentleman." I mumbled as the server came over to take our orders. I held the menu out to them, without looking since my eyes were too bright still. "I'll just have the Sirloin and Grilled Shrimp."

"And how would you like your steak cooked?" She smiled. I glanced over slightly.

"Rare, please."

"And sides? You get two." I sighed before smiling.

"Mashed Potatoes and carrots please." I added, looking towards Klaus with a grin.

"And for you sir?" The woman turned towards Klaus, putting on her best flirty smile. But Klaus stared at me as he handed her the menu.

"Just bring me the same thing. Also your best wine." Klaus added. The server nodded before running off. I stared at him still with my grin. My plan to chuck carrots at him was making me feel like a child. "Are you daydreaming about me again, love?" He asked as he laced his hands together and leaned his chin slightly on them.

"Of course, Klausie-poo." I teased with an eye roll. Lifting my leg up and placing it right between his legs, causing him to gasp slightly in surprise. His blue eyes tried to meet mine from behind my shades but I just smirked at him. "Would you like to know about my day dreams?" Klaus raised his eyebrow.

"Indulge me, love." Klaus responded with a slight smirk, eyes wide as my foot pressed against him just a bit.

"Well you see, My dreams usually revolve around one particular scenario." I started off. Watching his eyes narrow in on me as my foot rubbed along his growing length. His jaw tight in what I could only assume to be restraint. "One where you wrap your hand around my throat as you press me against a wall-" My foot pressed harder against him. Klaus seemed to be listening intently, his eyes flashing from blue to yellow. "Your lips exploring my neck as you-" I cleared my throat as the serve came by with our drinks. My foot leaving his crotch. Klaus frowned, snapping his eyes to the server.

"Thanks, you may go now." He shooed. I laughed at him. He looked back to me, expecting me to continue my story time but I smiled at him.

"I need to use the lady's room." I announced, standing up out of the booth. "I'll be right back." I assured, before walking away. I left him in his shocked form.

I did my business, making sure to wipe well since I couldn't after the initial car ride. I washed my hands thoroughly before making my way back to the booth. I noticed our food was already out and Klaus was on the phone. Whispering furiously into it. Waiting a moment from afar so he could finish the call in peace. He looked to be threatening someone though from the look of it. I walked over to him, sitting when he hung up.

"Anything interesting?" I questioned as I grabbed my napkin and laying it on my lap. Klaus looked up at me with a smile.

"Not really- just found a way to get your brother back to normal." He said nonchalantly before cutting into his own steak. The grin on his face not leaving his lips as he took a bite. I stared at him.

"You're serious?" I questioned, not yet touching my utensils. Klaus glanced up at me.

"I assure you, love. I am always serious." Klaus assured with a smirk before leaning forward a bit. "Now eat your vegetables, love." I glared at him, picking up a carrot and launching it at his face. Sucking my bottom lip in to keep from laughing as the baby carrot hit Klaus on his eyebrow.

"I hate carrots." I admitted with a laugh. Klaus blinked a bit before taking his napkin to his eyebrow.

"Are Succubus normally childish?" He questioned. I leaned forward this time with a smirk.

"I assure you, love. I am always childish."


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