Chapter XXXVI: Therapy

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"Finally!!" Kol exclaimed as Klaus and I walked into the house. His body launched itself at me, pulling me away from Klaus and to his body. "I thought you would never return!" Kol whined, his nose going to my neck as if he was trying to calm himself down.

"What did you think happened? That Klaus kidnapped me?" I questioned, letting him hug me with my arms wrapping around him as well.

"I wouldn't put it past him." Kol mumbled, causing Klaus to glare at his brother.

"We weren't even gone long- I just wanted to get her out for a bit. Fresh air so to speak." Klaus snipped back, clearly annoyed. Kol let out a huff as he finally released me.

"Well, I think I should be allowed to take her out. She's not just yours." I raised an eyebrow at him before looking to Klaus.

"I don't belong to no one." I mumbled before walking away from both men. Both of which were pouting at me. Elijah appeared in front of me, causing me to jump slightly.

"I believe Jeremy Gilbert is on the phone for you." He told me, holding the phone out to me. My eyes widen in excitement before I snatched the phone from Elijah, throwing a thank you at him before taking the call to my room.

"Jer??" I asked into the receiver, hearing a sigh back.

"Sadie!" He exclaimed back happily. "Oh, my god. I have so much to tell you." He told me with so much seriousness in his tone.

"What could you possibly have to tell me? I have been gone like 2days?" I questioned as I sat on my bed cross legged.

"Caroline and Sawyer are going on a date today." My mouth fell open. Shocked.

"Excuse me!?" I exclaimed, not being able to hold in the shock.

"Yeah, Sawyer hasn't gone black eyed since you left and Caroline wanted to come over to make sure everything was being takened care of. Like grocery's and what not. And I guess Sawyer felt something with her-"

"Like a pull?" I questioned. My mind floating to what Klaus had told me today. The Mate thing. Vampires have Soulmates. Caroline is a Vampire now.

"Yeah- wait do you know something?" Jeremy asked, sounding confused.

"Klaus told me today that Vampires and werewolves have Soulmates." I told him slowly and quietly. I could hear Jeremy fumble with the phone, maybe almost dropped it from shock.

"You're kidding me. You? And Klaus? Wait- what about Kol?"

"They're both my soulmates, apparently." I told him. I heard Jeremy let out a breath. Probably processing what I had said.

"And how does that make you feel?" He questioned causing me to laugh.

"What are you? My Therapist?" I joked, gaining a laugh from Jeremy.

"You couldn't afford me." He teased back. I laughed with him, shaking my head.

"But- I don't know. I mean- I feel the pull for them both. I really like them both-" I let out a breath as I listened for anyone listening in on my conversation, before tapping my finger against the side table. Causing the disturbance for the supernatural hearing. "I wanted Klaus to bite me today." I admitted.

"Did he?" Jeremy asked, not sounding too shocked.

"Why don't you sound too surprised?" I questioned, confused.

"I've seen how he is with you- also I am your best friend. I know when you feel something for someone." Jeremy pointed out. It was true. Jeremy knew me better than I knew myself probably.

"True." I hummed, tapping my finger still. "And no. He didn't. He wouldn't in public."

"But you still wanted him too. What about Kol? Do you want him to as well?" I leaned my head back against the wall behind my bed, closing my eyes.

"I do." I admitted. Not even trying to hide it.

"So then. When are you going to let them, then?" I sat there. Silent. I had no idea what to even say. Nor what to think.

"I don't know." I said quietly. Before I could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. I stopped the finger tapping before sighing. "I have to go- Call me tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Of course." With that we hung up and I got up to open my door. Kol standing there with a frown.

"How did you do that?" He questioned, his eyes narrowed accusingly. I tilted my head slightly.

"Do what?" I asked, innocently. Kol took a threatening step forward, raising his eyebrow at me.

"You know- the thing where it makes us not able to hear your conversations." I raised my brows at him, making my stare hard.

"You were purposely listening into my conversation?" I asked him in a stern tone. His face dropped as he realized what he had just admitted to.

"No-I- Don't change the subject!" He whined. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just a little trick I learned from my brother. Keeps unwanted ears out of private convos." Kol huffed at me, crossing his arms.

"Private?? You were talking about Klaus and I. I think I would like to hear what was said." He stepped closer to me. His chest hitting my chest as his hands dropped to my hips. "Something about wanting to be bit?" I rolled my eyes at him, pushing my way out of his arms.

"Just no."


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