Chapter V: Desire✔

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Jeremy and I had ordered breakfast, eggs and toast. He had bacon while I had ham. Klaus had seemingly left while we were placing our orders, which helped me relax just a bit.

"I don't understand how you don't like Bacon." Jeremy mumbled as he sipped on his orange juice. "It's the most American meat there is." 

"Um- they have bacon in different countries, Jer." I told him as I was glancing around. My eyes caught sight of a set of hazel green ones. A light brown haired man staring at me intensely. I could see the Lapris ring from here, knowing instantly he was a vampire. Jeremy rolled his eyes at me.

"Yeah. But America founded it." I shook my head at him as I sent the vampire a flirty smile. I could see his posture change slightly, falling for my allure. I sighed, turning back to look at Jeremy as he glanced over his shoulder to see who I was smiling at.

"The Chinese actually made the first form of Bacon. So really it's Chinese food that's been reformed." I told him as if it was the most common knowledge as I sipped on my drink.

"You know, I really missed your random facts. For such a pretty girl, you were always so smart." He complimented. I smiled at him with a raised eyebrow and leaning on my elbows in interest.

"You think I'm pretty?" I questioned him with a flirty smile directed towards him. Jeremy blushed deeply before looking away from me for a second. Trying to rid his face of the reddened exterior.

"Stop doing that!" He exclaimed with a laugh. I snorted at him, shaking my head. 

"But it's so much fun, Jer." I teased him with a grin, before standing up. "I'll be back." I told him as I pushed my chair in, "Don't touch my ham." My eyes narrowed at him. He laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. I walked away from him, heading to the restroom. After doing my business, washing my hands and such, I left the bathroom only to be blocked in the hallway. 

"Hello, love. I believe we have much to talk about." I met the eyes of a certain blonde hybrid. I narrowed my eyes at him accusingly. I had hoped the cute hazel eyed vampire was going to meet me here- but I was disappointed. At least, I told myself to be disappointed.

"And I believe I told you I wasn’t interested." I retorted. Klaus smiled, shaking his head at me. As if he knew I was having an inner battle. But he wasn’t like Edward Cullen who could read minds. He was more like Jacob Black. Clingy and having a slight puppy dog look to him.

"I think you should hear what I have to say." He started, but I wasn't having it, moving to walk around him only for him to stop me. "You know, I don't plan on using you as a slave. I can't believe you think so lowly of me." He explained, causing my eyes to widen slightly. "I can read lips, love." I closed my eyes and sighed, nodding.

"Fine then, speak." I told him shortly, giving him a demand like he was a dog. Which he kind of was. He stepped slightly closer causing me to step back and press my back against the wall. Klaus smirked at how I had stepped away from him. I didn't step back in fear though. I stepped back so that the desire didn't build up in me. The feeling of someone so close to me causes my hunger to rise. And Klaus was a good looking man, even with his large ego. Not to mention the pull I felt from him. It made him even more desirable. 

"I don't plan on hurting you." He stated, trying to show that his intentions were good. "My plan is to protect you. You could really use me on your side." He offered, his eyes flashing yellow as if to show his perks.

"My side? Why do you think that?" He stepped even closer. I could smell what seemed to be his aftershave, which happened to smell of pine and sandalwood. My eyes closed momentarily as I inhaled the scent. It smelled heavenly. A slight purr of satisfaction rumbling out of my throat before my eyes snapped open in embarrassment. Klaus smirked at me, knowing the effect he held over me. 

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