Chapter XLI: Stranger

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The next day, I woke up to seeing Jeremy hanging off the bed as always. Caroline was gone though. Probably sleeping with Sawyer or..not sleeping. But I don't judge, clearly. I sat up as I heard something clattering in the kitchen. Getting up, I grabbed my robe before peeking my head out of the doorway. Kol was in the kitchen with Klaus hovering over him. Sounding like they were arguing back and forth.

"Thats not how you make hash browns!" Klaus growled at Kol trying to shove him out of the way, but Kol shoved him back.

"Back off! I know how to make breakfast." Kol growled back. I raised my eyebrow at them before looking to the table. Pancakes and sausage, Eggs and toast all littered the table.

"What are you two doing?" I asked as I grabbed a pancake off the table, tearing a piece and eating it. Klaus and Kol both jerked their heads to look at me. Apparently not having had sensed me.

"Sadie- I thought you were sleeping, love." Klaus said as he walked over to me with a smile. I laughed at him as he grabbed my hand.

"I was- until I heard a bunch of noise in here." I pointed out causing Kol to huff. I glanced to him and then to the food. "So we feeding the town or..."

"I, was trying to make you breakfast." Kol interjected with an annoyed look on his face. "But then Niklaus here thought that you would want all of this- and apparently I don't know how to cook.."

"That's because you don't. You were in a coffin for a few years- give or take." Klaus snipped back at his brother.

"You two are too much." I told them as I grabbed another pancake.


Kol, Klaus and I were sitting in the living room when Sawyer came out.

"Caroline just informed me that you are soulmates??" He demanded out in a question. His blue eyes looking from Kol to Klaus to me. I sat up a bit, looking at him confused.

"Um- Is that bad??" I questioned, confused why he came marching in here like the world was on fire. Sawyer stared at us before a grin spread across his face. "Sawyer..?"

"This is...this is great- I have to make a call." He mumbled as he walked out of the room quickly. My brows were laced in the middle. The confusion running through me as I tried to put the puzzle together that he left for me.

"That was- is he okay you think?" Kol asked as he looked over to me. I shrugged at him. "Do you think we need to stab him again? Maybe a new Passenger took over?"

"You are not stabbing my brother." I told him sternly. Kol pouted, as Klaus let out a chuckle.

"Take all the fun away." Kol whined.


A few weeks had passed by- Sawyer kept grinning like he had won the lottery. Not telling me anything about what had happened weeks prior. Kol believed he had lost it. Klaus just thought we were waiting for something. Something good. I cornered Caroline to question her about her mates odd reaction. But she played dumb- which she was surprisingly good at.

I jumped a bit when there was a knock on the door. I hadn't invited anyone over and Caroline was already here with Sawyer. With no idea who it could be in my mind, I went and pulled the door open. My eyes widening as a man stood in front of me with a mild smile on his face. Salt and Pepper hair running over his head and chin. I knew him. But he had aged considerably since I had last seen him.

"Well- aren't you going to say anything?" He spoke in his deep raspy tone. His arms out, like he was expecting a hug. Kol and Klaus came over to see who it was. Both confused as to why I was frozen in place.

"Who are you?" Kol spoke up as he analyzed the man in the doorway. Klaus was standing close to me, unsure if he was a threat or not. But wanting to be prepared just in case.

"Now, I believe the real question is who are you. But I'll just accept being allowed in." The man said as Kol and Klaus both stepped in front of him to stop him from entering the house. He rolled his eyes. "Come now-" He waved his hand causing a gust of wind to blow my mates back, not harming them but allowing him entry way. "Is that anyway to treat the man of the house?" Kol and Klaus looked to me in confusion, waiting for me to unpause and say something. Anything. But the word that left my lips made them widen their eyes in shock.



Jeff Bridges as Percival Sargent Emersyn

Jeff Bridges as Percival Sargent Emersyn

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