Chapter XXIV: White Rose✔️

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3rd POV (A month ago)-

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3rd POV (A month ago)-

"You must." Sawyer pulled Sadie out of the chair causing her to stumble slightly. "Rester caché. Reste fort et n'abandonne jamais. Je te reviendrais." He spoke to her in French. (Stay hidden. Stay Strong and Never give up. I will come back to you.) Sawyer shoved Sadie towards the hidden exit behind them. "Run." He demanded as the door slammed open. "GO!" Sawyer stepped in between Sadie and the Travelers, ready to fight as his sister ducks down and out the loose board in the back of the building.

"Ardere. Dolor. Vita. Vivat. Ardere. Dolor. Vita. Vivat." Their chanting in Latin confused Sawyer. He expected some kind of magic, but they did nothing but surround him. It didn't help that he also had no clue what they were chanting. Each person chanting their own word. That was all he knew until a sudden pain ripped through him. A burning- like someone had turned his blood into acid. Feeling it burn inside of him like it was desperately trying to get out. His legs gave out nearly as slashes started to appear on him next. Like someone was taking a knife and slicing his skin open.

Cuts appearing on his legs, arms, chest- stomach. Grunts of pain left his throat as he flashed his blue eyes at them. Trying to push the lure out to them. He knew it wouldn't work though. The Travelers seemed to be immune to his powers. But there was one thing he could do, as an incubus. He had the powers of a protector. That's what made him special. He was born to protect his little sister no matter what. No matter what happened, he was supposed to be able to take care of her.

But the more slashes and the more his insides seemed to be melting- the more he felt like he was failing his sister. His Father. His mother. Failure.

"Enough." A voice spoke making him snap his eyes around for the source. A man broke his way from the group, forcing his way to stand in front of Sawyer. Head tilted as he stared at his glowing blue eyes. "An incubus." He said as his eyes glanced over Sawyers figure. Taking him in as much as he could. "And where is my Succubus?" His voice rang out with such authority. People murmured between themselves, unsure and confusion. The man glanced around a bit before his eyes fell back to Sawyer. "Where is she?"

"Gone." Sawyer spoke confidently. The man let out a deep laugh which echoed throughout the room.

"Such confidence." He commented before stepping towards Sawyer. "And do you know what use you are?" His question cause Sawyer to look at him confused. He didn't know whether to answer or not. "Thats what I thought. Must be a dumb incubus." He laughed. Sawyer glared at him, reaching out to make skin contact but a dagger was dug through his stomach before he could touch his hand. "Just an insurance you don't fight back." He muttered before grabbing Sawyers head. "Jaryakat a zem, daryeet acza" And then everything went dark.

 "Jaryakat a zem, daryeet acza" And then everything went dark

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When Sawyer came too- he was in the middle of no where. No one near him, no sounds. The worse part was... he had no memory of what happened. The last thing he remembered was going to save Sadie. After that his mind blanked.

He spent the next few weeks monitoring himself. He found it was suspicious that he had no memories. There had to be a reason behind it. And he found nothing. He got a camera and recorded himself sleeping. Making sure no surprise visits were happening in his sleep.

Sawyer thought it was safe. That maybe the Travelers just took some blood to track his sister. It would make sense. He was not what they wanted. But why did they leave him in the woods? Why didn't they just kill him? There had to be a reason and Sawyer feared he would never know the reason. With that- he left the hotel and made his way to Mystic Falls. Time to find his sister.

 Time to find his sister

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