Chapter XII: Chaotic Awakening✔️

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3rd POV-

Finn and Elijah shared a glance before pulling the daggers from both Kol and Rebekah. Klaus let out a nervous sigh as he sat back. Waiting. Surprisingly- the two younger siblings woke up at the same time. Kol and Rebekah sat up, a growl leaving Kol's lips before he had flashed towards the one sibling who had caused his long sleep.

But he was stopped before he could reach Klaus. Finn standing in front of him. Elijah was off to the side with an unimpressed look. He was holding a slight grudge for now against Klaus. The betrayal was very painful.

"Why are you protecting him?!" Kol snarled out, anger flooding his body. Rebekah had gotten out of her coffin, a glare on her face. But she made no move to attack. Curious to see why her oldest brothers were helping the hybrid.

"Wait- you woke Finn up before me!?" Rebekah exclaimed. Her eyes in disbelief of her hybrid brother. Finn shot her a look, hurt and despair. "No offense, Finn.." She added trailing off as she realized what she had said. The guilt of not trying to release him clouded her mind.

"Let our brother speak-" Finn started before Elijah added.

"And then you can rip him apart, if you find the need to still." Elijah muttered. Klaus glanced towards him, a soft glare before diverting his attention back to his younger siblings.

"I have a proposition for you both." Klaus told them, causing them both to scoff.

"Really? You think I'll help you after all these years!?" Kol snapped, his mind was full of nothing but resentment.

"You were drawing too much attention!! Mikael was after us and you were killing left and right!!!" Klaus snapped back causing Kol to glare at him intensely. "And I'm not asking for your help for me."

"Brother has found himself a Succubus." Elijah spoke up, his voice pulling Kol and Rebekahs attention.

"A Succubus? That's what this is all about?" Rebekah questioned with annoyance. Kol was too busy though, his brown intense gaze had fallen onto the wine glass of gold shimmering blood. He knew from all of his Grimmoires what this blood was. That Klaus had an actual decent bribe for the siblings. One he knew, he would most likely accept.

"Not just any Succubus, sister. A Dark-"

"There is no way." Kol interrupted. His eyes are on blood. "Why would she give you her blood-" Kol flashed towards Klaus, hand wrapped around his throat in a tight grip. "Did you seriously kill the last Dark Succubus!? Are you that desperate for us to not leave your side?! Do you have any idea what you have done??"

"Kol, that is quite enough." Elijah spoke up again. Kol released Klaus after snarling at him. "She is alive. Supposedly. Though, I am still unsure of her actual living state. And it seems that Klaus has agreed to protect her in exchange for her blood for his siblings. How thoughtful of him." Kol looked from Elijah to Klaus before turning to the blood. Rebekah was the only one uninterested. Probably not understanding what was truly being offered to her.

"And why would I want the blood of some tramp? What benefit does that do for me? Will it turn me into some special being? Perhaps a Unicorn." She questioned out loud, full of sarcasm and annoyance. Klaus snorted, clearly knowing how much she would want it in just a moment. But Kol spoke up before Klaus could.

"A Dark Succubus' blood is the only way for us to procreate." Kol said, knowing that will make his sister interested instantly. And he was correct. Her eyes widened before she glanced from Kol to Elijah. Seeing if he would say otherwise but he only nodded.

"The blood of a Dark Succubus is a gift for the Supernatural. Granting immortality and ridding us of the side effects of our curse. No longer fear the sun- harder to kill if at all. Dulls the blood lust to an extent of near non-existence. Making us more human with the benefits of who we were before." Elijah explained. Kol grinned, a true excitement bubbling out of him.

"And it will allow us to have our magic back."

"Ah yes, our magical abilities will return to us. Kol and Finn will be warlocks and Rebekah- you may as well be a witch. With the added benefits of a vampire. Speed- strength." Elijah agreed. Kol snapped his gaze off of the wine glass, looking at his brother in slight shock.

"You do not wish for this, brother? You refused the blood?" Elijah nodded at Kol's question.

"I am quite alright with who I am- for the time being." He spoke carefully. Klaus watching his siblings exchange. Noticing the look on Elijah's face. He knew why he declined it. Elijah was stronger as a vampire- he wasn't blessed with the magic his siblings had before the curse. He wanted to be able to protect the girl to the best of his abilities, even if it meant he would continue to be the bloodthirsty monster he had hated secretly.

"And all we have to do is protect this girl?" Rebekah asked. Finn nodded with a smile. "Seems simple enough." She commented.

"Just because only the travelers are trying to kill her, doesn't mean this will be easy." Klaus said. "The rest of the supernatural world will be after her as well as our enemies. It will be a war."

"Why would our enemies? Unless-" Rebekah looked at Klaus intrigued. Did her heartless brother have a crush? Or was it something more? Her eyebrow was raised in interest, urging him to finish her thought process for her.

"It's something we'll discuss at another time. For now, she needs us all." Klaus told them.

"Which means, we stick together." Elijah said with a sigh.

"Together." Finn agreed as he watched Kol and Rebekah pick up a glass each.

"Always and Forever." They all agreed before the two of them drank the blood. Kol savored it a bit more than Rebekah did who mostly just was too excited to care of the taste. But, unknowingly, Kol was feeling a flutter in his stomach. Just at the taste of the blood alone. Thinking it was nothing important other than being the special blood of the Dark Succubus, Kol ignored it.

 Thinking it was nothing important other than being the special blood of the Dark Succubus, Kol ignored it

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