Chapter XLIV: The Claiming of Sadie Emersyn

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When I woke up this morning, I wasn't expecting my life to change. Nor did I expect to make a decision so quickly.

My father had been in this house a few days ago. Now you are probably wondering- what happened since then. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I tried to act as normal as possible. Pretend we didn't have a disturbance in our life. And it worked- Okay it worked for like a day. Sawyer called Jeremy to have movie night with me a day later. Worried I was bottling up my emotions too much. Afraid I would exploded or freak out. But I didn't.

I spent the next couple days processing. Mapping out my future. My life. Like a story being ready to be put into words. But do you know what I realized?

It's not just about me.

I know. Crazy. But it's not. My life- it's been dictating more than just my future. It's been changing Sawyer's as well. Making him grow up, take care of me. Risk his life. He's got Caroline now- they deserve to be happy. Live in peace.

And this is why I made the decision I did. I pushed any commitment issues I had, flushed my fears down the drain and put on a brave face as I called my mates into my room.


Klaus and Kol entered my room, announcing their presence with their own personal endearments. I smiled at them as they saw me.

"Are you okay, Sadie?" Klaus asked as he walked over to me. He probably was concerned since I hadn't fed in a while. But I needed to completely process everything before I went to one of them. I had to be sure of what I wanted- what I needed. What would make our lives easier.

"I am now." I told him with a gentle smile. Kol furrowed his eyebrows at me, tilting his head to the side. "I- God this is such a weird conversation- but I want you both to claim me..." I trailed off, cringing. It sounded odd coming out of my mind. In my head this was a lot easier. And didn't sound creepy and sexist. Klaus and Kol looked to each other before looking back to me.

"You want to complete the bonds?" Klaus reworded. Probably cringing on the inside at my words as well. I nodded.

"If- if you both want too. I- shit. I didn't even think if you guys would even want too-"

"Oh we went, Darlin'." Kol stopped my rant. "But are you sure? The only way out of it afterwards is-"

"Death. Yeah, I'm sure. I- I've been thinking about it for a while. This just made my decision easier." Kol stepped towards me first, eyeing me carefully. Probably trying to spot any hesitation in me. Waiting for me to step back or flinch or something. But I didn't. I wanted this. Sure, I had made my decision so I could make all of our lives easier. But I had already wanted this. I had already been dreaming of it- anticipating when it would happen. I was ready. Now more than ever. Klaus moved forward after Kol went behind me.

"Are you absolutely sure, love?" Klaus repeated the question. His eyes were stern, but behind the sternness I could see the excitement. I felt Kol move my blonde hair to behind me, pulling it slightly in a teasing way. I swallowed hard as my mind processed that my dreams were coming true right in front of me.

"Ye-yes. I'm positive." I stammered out slightly as I felt Kol pulling my body to press against his. Klaus stood in front of me, his hand reaching out as the back of his fingers caressed my throat. Seemingly, admiring it.

"And you know the claiming has to be done at the same time for it to work.." Kol whispered into my ear from behind me. It felt like my chest was on fire as his warm breath fanned my skin. Causing goosebumps to prickle along my neck.

"Yes- I know." I assured. I met Klaus' yellow eyes. His fangs already extended as he stared at me. Taking a step closer to me so his body participated in sandwiching me. Feeling the heat from both of them was overwhelming.

"And this would mean there was no turning back- we'd be yours, as you would be ours." I took in a sharp breath as Kol leaned into my neck, pressing a small kiss to my skin as he spoke. I nodded slightly as Klaus leaned in on the other side of my neck. His fangs brushing against my skin as Kol's did as well. My body lighting up just in anticipation of it. I swallowed harshly before I closed my eyes.

"Always and Forever." I vowed. And just like that- Their fangs pierced my skin simultaneously.

And that is how my life changed forever.

And that is how my life changed forever

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