Chapter XVIII: The Past✔️

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The last couple days have been uninteresting. The Mikaelson's switching back and forth with what I like to call 'Babysitting'. I kept my distance from the men. Kol did the same after the kiss. I think he knew that I was in a daze. I knew he wanted to say something- do something. But he didn't.

Today, Rebekah was babysitting me. Jeremy finally left after Elena complained that she never saw her brother and how I was a traitor. That girl only cared about herself.

I was currently sitting in my room. Figuring out what I was going to do with my life. I hadn't fed in a while just because of the Mikaelson incident. Trying to figure out what this pull I had felt with them. Klaus was the biggest pull. I kept replaying the look of hurt that had crossed his eyes. You can always see someone's true emotions through their eyes. But the way his jaw had clenched as well- I let out a sigh as I flopped back into the bed.

Memory's of Trent running through my mind-

His fingers lightly dragged along my arms.

His lips pressed against my jawline.

His brown-hazel eyes staring back at me as he smiled at me.

But then the memory's darkened-

The feeling of betrayal as he sunk his teeth into my upper thigh.

Pain shot through me as his fangs ripped through the three layers of my skin.

His yellow eyes looked at me as I cried out.

"Je te faisais confiance! Et tu vas m'arracher ma vie, prendre ma liberté ! Pourquoi? Pourquoi diable me ferais-tu ça ? Qu'est-ce que je t'ai fait pour mériter ça ?" I screamed at him in French as he sat on the bed. His eyes stayed yellow as a sign of his fresh marking. My eyes are burning orange, almost painfully. (I trusted you! And you go and rip my life from me, take my freedom! Why? Why the hell would you do this to me? What did I do to you to deserve this?)

"Tu es à moi, Sadie. Je t'ai gagné. Je t'ai donné tout ce que tu as toujours voulu. Je te protège des Voyageurs. Je ne t'ai jamais rien demandé en retour. Mais tu m'appartiens. C'est juste une assurance pour ce qui m'appartient. A parier que vous ne me quitterez plus si jamais vous trouvez mieux." He spoke back calmly. His accent thick as he remained calm and acted like he hadn't just taken my whole life and crumpled it up. (You are mine, Sadie. I earned you. I gave you everything you ever wanted. I protect you from the Travelers. I never asked you for anything in return. But you belong to me. This just is an insurance for what is mine. A safe bet that you won't leave me if you ever find something better.)

"Vous m'avez gagné ? ! Comme si j'étais un prix à gagner. Ce n'est pas un jeu, Trent. C'est ma vie. Ma liberté. Ce n'est pas parce que tu m'as volontairement protégé que tu as gagné le droit de me prendre la vie." I told him, my voice stern and crackly from the sobs trying to breaking through me. (You Earned me?! Like I'm some prize to be earned. This isn't a game, Trent. This is MY life. MY freedom. Just because you voluntarily protected me- Doesn't mean you earned the right to take my life from me.) "Vous ne comprenez même pas ce que vous venez de faire, n'est-ce pas ? Je ne peux plus me nourrir de personne maintenant, sauf de toi. Tu es maintenant ma seule source de vie. Ma seule façon de guérir et de rester en bonne santé et fort." I explained to him. His expression softened for a second only for it to harden once more. Like he didn't care- like he knew what he had done to me. (You don't even understand what you just did- do you? I can't feed from anyone now, except from you. You are now my only source of living on. My only way to heal and stay healthy and strong.) "Et pourtant... je me sens si faible." I whispered. (And yet....I feel so weak.)

"Sadie??" I snapped my eyes open, wiping away a ghost of a tear from my cheek only to find it dry. Like I couldn't cry anymore about him. Rebekah stood in the doorway, the door propped open by her hand as she looked me over in concern. "I- I'm sorry, I thought you were sleeping-I didn't mean to interrupt." I shook my head, sitting up to look at her.

"It's alright- just... The past has a way of creeping up on you...You know?" Rebekah tilted her head slightly.

"I know what you mean-" She said before she realized why she was in here in the first place. "Oh- There's a guy at the front door. Says he's your brother?" My eyes widened as I jumped up quickly, pushing my way past her before running to the front door only to see Sawyer standing in the hallway, running his hand through his blonde hair before his crystal like blue eyes snapped to me. A smile etched its way across his lips. I launched myself at him, his strong arms wrapping around me tightly as he grunted slightly from the impact.

"Sadie.." He whispered in content.

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