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LONDON. The place of love. I was there. I reached there. My first foreign trip that too were my c-h--o-t-a-(bursting out in tears). No susheela u hve to be strong, he is noone to u, u can't waste ur time anymore on him...u r here for ur mom for her treatment.....just u don't need to give a fuck about him...
After coming out of bathroom she takes kusum towards the taxi and reaches the hotel.

Pramod pov
She must hve arrived by now. In my territory. After ruining my life she is In my world ready to face kher karma. I will not forgive her ever. Nor I will let her forgive the things she did to me. I am not like her who easily forgets the things. She will pay for each sin she did.. for creating joke of of my love.

Susheela pov
I was happy ....yes HAPPY mom was so happy to come out. She was recognising me and I was atleast experiencing love after long time. But unfortunately his thoughts were again and again coming In mind. As if he was here not in Delhi.

Tomorrow will be huge part as today's small part's compensation and they will meet too.

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