chapter 25

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It was a stripper club.
I was dumbstruck when pramod started to go inn and when I didn't stepped in he ordered me to follow him.
People were there doing there business. I had been to a adult club first time.
I was not feeling good rather uncomfortable. So, I tried to stick to pramod. But then a girl came and stared dancing  àround pramod she wanted me to shift but when I didn't she tried to push me when I hold his hand tightly and did a big mistake. Pramod was irritated by my behaviour. Si, he left his hand from my grip and started to drink while a striper was dancing in front of him. Thankfully she was wearing clothes. I followed him there when he said to me angrily to stay at a corner of the club. I tried to deny but he forced me. I got into that lonely corner and cried out of pain, helplessness and confusion what to do. Soon, nearly half an hour I lost track of pramod. I was now hell scared. Moreover I wasn't having my phone. I left it due to crying in my room only. I was hella scared in that stripper club. People were staring me. When a boy stripper started to come near me maybe to seduce me  I just lashed out at him with a punch and just ran out of stripers club and decided to wait for pramod out of club. 1 hr ,2hr passed no pramod.
I thought of going in and checking on him but previous memory made me scared. Therefore I stayed out and slept on one corner on road. I don't know when I slept. Maybe the sorrows pushed me into well of sleep.

Pramod pov
Oh god!! Why does she always have to irritate me. Everytime last day also she didn't let me have sex with the girl. Her thoughts just overcomed me and I couldn't even touch her. And now she is not letting stripper do her work. With the idea of getting rid of her I said her to sit in that corner without realising she is uncomfortable here in the club. I don't know how can I do this blunder but I left he rin club due to hang over. Now, I hve to find her before anything wrong happens.

Third person pov
It was nearly 6a.m. when pramod realised this
After realising he just rushed near club and found susheel sleeping on road. He felt satisfied but angry and disappointed due to his behaviour. He quickly started to pick her up when susheel punched him hard on his stomach.

Susheela pov
I felt someone picking me up. When I opened my eyes I realised it was pramod. Reality struck me and I realised he left me here last night. Out of anger I punched him. But he didn't left me down still. Carrying me in bridal style he made me sat in his car.
And drove off. I just yelled at him
*Who do you think you are*
He said * your owner, I know I did a mistake,I apologise to u for last night but if u had'nt annoyed me this had'nt happened*
I was taken aback and slapped him for saying this. He immediately stopped the car. When I yelled at top of my voice
*Who do you think you are, I am not an object I am a human*
I cried after saying this. I was now accepting the fact pramod is a changed man with each and every cell of my body.
He without any word drove home. I got of car and ran to my room.
Giving me space to myself I realised that I hve destroyed my life. I had done biggest mistake of selling myself to pramod and that can't be undone. The only thing I could do is try to live my life in cage of pramod by breaking it. One thing was clear tht he wouldn't let go of me. But I was assured tht I shall live my life here itself on my terms, whatever the fuck happens. It's time for world to see SUSHEELA KAATELAL RUHAIL. I just gathered myself that whole day and promised not to shed a single tear from now onwards for a man like pramod.

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Longest chapter I wrote till now.
Also fun ahead.
Susheela is in her form now. It will be good to see how susheela set her life in cage of pramod.

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