chapter 35

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It was about 6 when we reached home. Pramod as per his super weird behaviour left to his room while instructed me to pack the bags for being ready. I did it for 1 hr and was ready as per his instructions. But offcourse I had plans for cancelling the flight at least for today's night because I really wanna just hug pramod and be in his arms if he isn't ready for intimacy but I want to feel him let him pour his heart out to me or just stay in silence hugging him. I just want to feel pramod around me and no one else on this night. Because somewhere deep down I know that we are going to rohtak to meet his family which means mini aunty and offcourse it won't be digested till there the marriage news will definitely reach to my family  bringing new scandals. So, before this take place I just wanna be with him and listen to his heart beat.  That will be enough for me to fight with the world for us for him. Offcourse I love him. Whatever he does, whatever, I love him with my heart, with my soul, I can never betray this fact.

I left for the market -mall for some shopping. And bought a nice dress- black middie. Reaching  till my thighs with black less fit. I got home and decorated the house for candle date and also spread rose petals across the bed. I don't know why I did that but I felt excited to do it. So, did it. I was waiting for pramod it was around 7:45 when I suddenly remembered about food. Indeed I am worst cooker and now I forgot about food. So, I decided to order it but the problem was I didn't knew about any restaurant moreover the money I barely had with my wallet was spend in dress and flowers. Leaving my financial state totally dependent upon pramod. So, I decided to cook Maggie, offcourse we don't cook it but still and I know this is the worst food item to serve your partner with on the "first night date". But okay it's better than burnt food. So, I was waiting for him cause offcourse I won't serve him with horrible cold Maggie. Then suddenly I heard footsteps coming. It was pramod indeed but no I saw miss Paul coming to kitchen she didn't say a word to me and started cooking pasta. My inner self was happy that I have a cook but also crushed somewhere cz I wanted to cook for him and also it was ms. Paul rather him.

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