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" Ohh my baby is missing his dad, Don't worry he will be back with us soon, if you want we can talk to him, ok baby"

He answered with the pout usually his dad, Mr. Busy-pramod-chautala makes whenever he gets irritated with me. Oh god! I miss him too. It really gives me chills thinking about what could have happened if that day, i had not decided to give pramod a second chance what could have happened if I left him. I cannot even live without him for 2 days and then there was this time when I was thinking of leaving him. How stupid the idea was.


Third person pov

After digesting the fact that she was pregnant, susheela stood there still in deep thoughts when pramod with tear a stricken face entered the doctor's cabin and was shocked to see Susheela's condition. He stood there numb not knowing what to do. When susheela noticed him and spoke in confusion
"Pramod i.....i am pregnant"
Tears welled in her eyes and listening to this pramod fell straight on his knees. His brain which was numb got another shock of his life and he didn't knew what to do. Both of them were weeping in sorrow thinking about the future possibilities, and how their beautiful love was now on this stage. Pramod mustered some courage and after thinking for sometime said in a weak voice
" Susheela i am sorry. I......really am sorry for whatever I did and i really don't know how my love turned into this hate. I know you must be broken from inside......i know that.... After all that was what I trying to accomplish from the moment I took you as my wife.......but after seeing you like this after completing my vow......i feel broken too..........i ..... Don't know to do.....i am lost......d..a.d told me how mom....what mom....i am sorry please forgive me.....i know I don't deserve your forgiveness after how i treated you.....how i forced myself on you last time and then left you alone....... I am sorry.....and of you want to leave me, divorce me, or file a case against me for that night I will not question you or fight with you for it cause I know I deserve all of this but please forgive me.....i cannot live without your apology.... although I will always remain guilty of what I did to you but still please forgive me"

Slap, slap Is what he received from susheela, with tears in her eyes she spoke
" You know what pramod you are a coward, you always were. You did all this to me just for the sake of your satisfaction, for your revenge, forgetting about our love. I forgive you for it. I forgive you for that night too. Because I knew how you are feeling, i have gone through the same emotions too but I handled it better. i handled the better without any anger because your love changed me, it made me realise what life is about, how it is to be lived. I forgive you because of what your love taught me. I always knew love was tough and maybe because that's why I did not have the courage of loving someone before you. But you, you took away my dear and gave me those beautiful moments so, i forgive you but for what I do not forgive you is for giving up upon us, giving upon me. Standing here you are saying me to divorce you , leave you when I am pregnant- we are pregnant, the time where you should be telling me to not leave you, you are encouraging me to leave you. This is the time you shattered me pramod, you left no hope in me"

Before she could complete her words pramod kissed her lips and they both got engaged in the kiss. They kissed passionately tired- tired of every hurdle they came across, every Rocky path there love had to cross. Both broke apart and hugged each other weeping of the moments they lost, weeping at their cruel fates.
" I am sorry but I couldn't muster the courage to ask you to stay with me after what all I did to you, i felt soo broken susheela, so numb, so angry on myself, i don't know what to do"

Susheela spoke
" Vow to never leave me , kiss me till death to apart us, give me my pramod back and heal me"

There were tears in their eyes. Tears of happiness tears of love. It was a new start to their relationship that day. A second chance to their love.


After that day we both sorted out wrongs and built a new life. It was not easy but we did it. I also told pramod about the problems with my family and then after years i can say that they are not as they were from the scratch but they have improved. My family and i are on good terms and our relations are still improving me . We live in London and pramod's parents visit us once in a year. Mini aunty is guilty but she doesn't accepts it fully- ego problems i guess but she is good with my baby. Like the best grandmother.

When we get inside the house i felt someone's present on my back and was ready to punch who so ever it was but the person hugged me tightly, letting me know who it was. Pramod- my love. Vyom squeked out of excitement and hugged us. We both laughed at his behaviour and pramod lifted him in his arms tickling him. He asked
" How was the surprise?"
I laughed and said
" Oh! Was it supposed to be a surprise? I am actually habitual of you coming home early before your hospital deals are over, because I know you can't live without me for a moment"

He answered
" Oh! My god looo at your mother vyom she is such a spoiled kid, not even appreciating how i always come early for you both and try to give you a surprise!"

Oh such a drama queen he is. I rolled my eyes and before I could move away pramod's little praiser started tickling me, and pramod too strated doing it. They both attacked me and the little one spoke
" Let's give mumma punishment for being a spolit brat papa, you know she even forced me to join boxing"

Pramod being the idiot laughed at it and they both tickled me merciless.

This was my life. This was my my story. This was my perfectly imperfect love which made my life perfect.

!!THE END!!!

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