chapter 7

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Pramod pov
I immediately called the nurse and told her to take aunty for a regular check up. Just to talk to susheela in private.
As soon as kusum aunty left. I felt a strange releif, now it was just me and her. Maybe it was my chance to trap her.
Susheela pov
I knew that he had sent mom purposely, for me and him to talk in private. I wanted to cry badly, seeing him I felt like I got my life back, but that wasn't supposed to be happening. But as soon as mom left I just asked him, that I can pay little late.
Pramod pov
As expected she again asked the same question, ignoring the fact that at some point of time we were in love, sorry only I was in love and she played along with me. She directly came on the main point. Without any further delay, I said her to sit and told her to sign the contract for paying late. I could see on her face she was surprised that I mention the word"contract". She was shocked to hear that I didn't trust her a bit also. But she didn't know that contract is for my revenge. Offcourse I am that much rich that I can afford providing 5-6 people free treatments in a month, moreover in terms of paying loans, she never betrays, I knew.
Susheela pov
I didn't knew why I felt my heart ache, even it was obvious that he do not trust me, as he left me that day, buy he knows that I am least interested in keeping any kind of loans from anyone. But still he wanted me to sign the contract. Without any much thinking I immediately said yes, for my mother's treatment I will do anything, after all I arranged money.

Do vote, comment and share it views with me. Also book is under editing. I changed some characteristics of some characters. Do check them
Thank you
Writer, khushi

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