chapter 52

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Pramod pov
Is she mad? How the fuck she is treating me like that. I thought that she will suffer but she is making me suffer. Such a clever wife I have.

Susheela pov
Great going susheela! Now let's prepare for next step. I swear pramod will kill me for this but life is all about taking risks.

Some time later
Pramod pov
Susheela I swear I will make you pay for this embarrassment. You wanted this na. I wil show you how this game is played by fulfilling all you desires.

Susheela pov
" What happened pramod? You like your wife na"

Smirking pramod came near me, ohh god! That smirk it made me nervous and also made me feel to kiss his mouth immediately. While I was thinking all this I didn't realised when that bastard snatched my shawl and left me uncovered. I mean why in the world do I get the freaking idiot idea of seducing him and wearing these kind of clothes. ahh!! I hate him.

sometime before

susheela pov

I reached the hospital wearing the most sexiest clothes I ever could  - a lace black dress which was bodycon covered in a shawl. I knew it was Pramod's meeting today I knew. I reached his cabin easily and i could see he was shocked to see me because he was in a middle of meeting sitting on his chair. and every meeting client was shcoked to see me like that becuase hell hey knew that i was his wife cause they were invited to the wedding.

to be continued

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