chapter 51

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Don't kill me ik it's after a big time but I was kinda stuck with my studies so excuse me. And let's get started!!!!

Susheela POV

"what the actual fuck?, pramod are you crazy or what" I spatted out in anger because offcourse.  I mean how can he expect me to live without light. has he gotten nuts?

" My darling wife, I suppose you have forgotten my words, I told you that I will show you the real hell. Do you think I joked? because I really was'nt . Now listen to me carefully, I am freeing u from duty of my P.A.. Stay at home and enjoy your hell.  Also, I expect you to not leave home without my permission. Family talk time is already cut. you know right? Secondly for your mental health reasons outing with me just once a week that too to my hospital on the day when i will give off to  my p.a."

I stood there in shock. practically congratulating myself cause I knew my husband has got mad. Who the hell told him that I'm gonna follow his sick rules. But common I am that smart to let him live in his dream world. That i am gonna follow all his rules. Dumbass. you  really gotta watch yourself there.  I spoke to just let him think he won 

" You really are playing this game? then go watch yourself! let the game begin. I will show you what an ideal housewife means."

He left the room chuckling darkly and I sighed at his inhumane behaviour. JERK! 

Yes, I learned lot of abusive words in English while staying in London and apparently all of them suit Pramod so well!


Wohho! Finally I arranged my suitcases in right places without light. Such an acheivement. 


Honestly, it hurts like a bitch to treat her like that- without electricity, bound to house. But she hurted me not once but twice. She needs to be taught a lesson and she will that too a good one. I will make sure she realises that what grave mistake she did by trying to cheat on me. Hopefully plan A is working and in that case I will start my plan B tomorrow. 



Damm! sleeping without bed hurts like bitch. OOPS! did I forget to mention that asshole replaced my bed with a mattress. I am surely gonna make him regret his decision and make him realise that he loves me and I love him and we need to be together- living like happily married not playing these silly games.

Anyways, it's time to show that son of a bitch the " ideal wife". I am sure he will love it as he only wanted it. right?

I entered into kitchen watching mrs. Paul cooking. I immediately told her to just cook for one person as I wanted to cook for my hubby. Knowing my cooking skills, I stared cooking toast along with tea, which he does not prefers.  

Soon Mrs. Paul left and I served him wit half burnt toast and tea. and the face which he made was worth watching.  I spoke

" what happened dear husband? are'nt you happy that your wife is following your wish of becoming a housewife? "

He smirked and said " omg! I love her for doing this. Come here my darling, have a seat and eat from my plate with me, you know I care for you so much"

Fuck! such a clever ass! I simply replied" know baby, I know you are getting late and I don't want you to get hospital late or half stomach, so you eat from yours and I will eat form mine"
his temper raised and he simply left for work. I knew it will work. I knew it. I know him this much.  My first step accomplished. Now, let's get ready the other plan. 

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