chapter 23

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After pramod left I slept again only to wake up at 11. When I woke up and reached the kitchen Mr. Paul was standing and said that I am late for breakfast so, I won't be getting it was like woah!! She is defination joking cz I can't work without having my breakfast so went in kitchen and then started making my breakfast when she warned me and said that
*Mr Chautala won't like it at all*
I was like I don't care, Ignoring it I went on and just ate my breakfast, when me Paul offered my the timetable I viewed it and was hell shocked. I am not gonna follow it at all who will wake up at 5 and I am not gonna wash his clothes, does he don't hve a washing machine, oh god!!
I wil kill him!!
The day went pass by just hving these kinda thoughts to kill him. I was waiting for him wondering where is he it was 11 at night. Is he ok?
I was worried so I didn't slept and decided to wait for him and serve him dinner on my own. 2 hours passed and I just completed another novel of mine. But still no him. Where the hell he is?
Then about after half an hour later I heard movement only to find him drunk entering the house while kissing some girl. I shouted at him *pramod*
He ignored me and went to his room with the girl. I followed him and seperated him from the girl when the girl tried to slap me, he shouted from behind and said to me *leave susheela*
I looked at him cryingly and said *u leave the girl, I will leave*
He angrily then came near me and said
*Why, will u give me pleasure like she can give me will u let me touch u, dominate u?*
I was hell shocked but said
*Leave her pramod please, I don't want I to regret later*
He answered
* I won't this is not my first time like this, u leave now otherwise I won't be able to control myself form ruining u, bcz u know u r sexy from this girl*
The said "hey baby, r u doing something or sha I leave *
Before I could react I was pushed out of room.

To be continued

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