chapter 49

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Susheela pov
Before I could react I was parted away from shashank and dragged away in my room. In a fraction of a second I was introduced to angry pramod. Here he was ready to scold me. I was perhaps not ready for it but couldn't help it. Before I could do anything he spoke
" Susheela again!!! Ehhh
Enough is enough now. U have created enough of mess here in India. Pack your bags we will be boarding to london tomorrow. I cannot wait for u to create more nusaince. Mom is somewhat satisfied and hve accepted u in either way and we hve had a little reunion. I do not want things to mess up more and also I cannot wait to show u ur limits. U have indeed taken lots of unnecessary liberty of my polite behaviour. For now go out attend the party and BEHAVE urself. And definitely stay away from ur boyfriend otherwise consequences will be way more bad than u have imagined" saying this he kissed me with fury and went muttering a curse for me " whore". I cannot imagine pramod saying that to me. Leave pramod noone can say that to me. For god sakes can't u hve a friend. Am I not having the right to live my life. Why does he have to interfere between my life everytime. Fucking bastard..

Pramod pov
I could finally say that I was happy after a long time. Seeing my cartoon in sarree like that ufff!! Just took my heart away. Genuinely I thought to give her a second chance. So, ws I going to do tonight. that's why I was out of the house to bring her some flowers and offcourse a gift. But seeing her hugging shashank broke me from inside. I literally felt my heart being ripped off. Second time the girl broke my heart for the second time she makes me feel as if I am seperating her from shashank. I cannot handle this shitt anymore. I was soo sorted in London. With having no feelings for her. Ehhh!!! Enough is enough now I will make her realise that how bad can I be. She thinks I am a bad person separating her from her lover shashank na? I will show her the real devil. I will show her how it feels like when u break someone's heart not once but twice. She ruined me. I won't be able to love anyone else and live a normal life. Now, it's my turn to ruin her. It's enough of my good behaviour.

Third person pov
Pramod drinking a. Bottle of whiskey while thinking all this called his assistant telling him to book his and her tickets for tomorrow afternoon flight. And I informed miss paul about the arrival.
On the other hand susheela somehow controlled her emotions for the sake of mini aunty and attended the party gracefully. Mini aunty was satisfied for her image but still somewhere hated the fact that susheela is her daughter- in -law. Soon the guests left it was nearly about 12. When mini spoke
* Ur efforts were appreciable. It's good to see u can behave in a classy manner. But I hope u leave ur accent it doesn't goes with ur status. Talk in English with everyone like u do in London and most of the time in house. *
Susheela just nodded liflessly and went into her room and cried her heart out . But at the end remembered Jay uncle's words and calmed herself down. She was in with the fact that he loved her she had seen it afterall. So, that night in the agony of her love, And pain she took a life changing decision to love pramod   love him but to  not to forgive pramod easily.
She willed herself for the upcoming and at the same time didn't forget about shashank. So she called him from landline and consoled him.
Meanwhile pramod was burning in his pain and was dealing with his broken heart. Unknown of the reality he was there pledging himself to show susheela a real hell.

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