chapter 17

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What did he really said?????
Omg I cannot believe this. While I was digesting this he came near me with a smirk on his face and kissed me. Ohh fuck!!! In his thoughts I just forgot abt his warning and was biting my lip.
He kissed me!! Omg!!!!
I couldn't respond for few seconds. And the moment was going to respond he left me with a quick peck on my neck. I was astonished but then he said
*Told u not to do that*
I was hello shocked and ran away from his cabin towards mom's cabin.

Pramod pov
Is she trying to seduce me while complementing me.
Bloody bitch. But whatever she is hot. Really sexy too. And damm why do she hve to bite her lips it drives me crazy and after my warning too she did it. Stubborn girl she thinks I cannot do what i said. So, I proved her. But damm made a mistake too by kissing her. My member got hardened due to her effect!!
Wait what effect??
It's hottness effect stupid pramod.

Susheela pov
Before I could say anything mom dragged me to pramod's cabin in anger. I was shocked and was assured that now the moment have arrived. Mom got her flashes back. When we entered the cabin she spoke to pramod and said
*Pramod beta, I didn't expected this from u. Ik susheela is bailbudhi but u r smart enough to understand the situation, due to my memory loss u both shouldn't hve acted, it increased my guilt and I am really sorry for my health u hve to do this but, u could hve told me the truth too. I would hve acknowledged it.*
My nightmare came true mom was in guilt. Apparently I couldn't control myself anymore so I busted into tears.
When pramod said
* Mom, I and susheela acted because we realised our mistake, not because u were Ill. After seeing susheela in London I fell in love with her again and realised my mistake. Although one of the reasons we came together was ur health but I love her and that's the truth. We both want to spend some time with each other too before we Inform and sort things out between our families. So we didn't tell anyone. And I hope u will understand it too.*
I was hell shocked by this behaviour. Was pramod saying truth, has he forgiven me.

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Writer, khushi
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