chapter 36

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Susheela pov
I was just waiting for him miss paul had left long time back. It was around 8:30 when I heard a sound.  It was him. I could see on his face thar he was shocked. But before he could react I hugged him and after breaking it kissed him on his lips. My hands cupped his face and he was still in shock but before he could recover I pulled of from him. I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand and I landed on his chest and then he looked deeply in my eyes and I could see there he was searching something in them when he kissed me. It was long and passionate. Could hear my heart thumping aloud. His hands started moving on my back and mine were still on his torso. Then he entered into me so smoothly that I couldn't even realise when his tongue started dominating mine. Then I broke the kiss due to lack of breath when he grabbed me more close by my waist and said in his husky voice
*U look beautiful*
I didn't spoke a word and was looking into his eyes. After an intense eye lock I spoke
* Let's eat the food, ms. Paul cooked pasta*
He just nodded and we sat on my decorated table. We ate silently without any word locking our eyes occasionally. When he got up and kept his plate in sink and was about to leave when i said
*Wait for me pls, I want to be with u*
He didn't let me complete the sentence and spoke
* Ok but finish farst, I have work to do*
I finished and after keeping the plate came back to him and just kissed him on cheeks and spoke
* Thank you*
When he grabbed my waist and spoke * what do you want from me*
I spoke
*I want u *
I don't know where this much courage came inside me that I spoke it straight looking into his eyes. I could feel his passion and intense gaze on me. When he kissed me on lips again deepining the kiss he took me to bedroom and breaking the kiss I laid over bed and then he started kissing my neck, finding my soft spot he started biting it, surely going to leave a hickey.

To be continued

Guys I am sorry for this short chapter but trust me next one is going to be long.
Next update on Saturday.
And pls comment and vote too it makes me feel motivated to continue writing and update regularly.!!!!!

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