chapter 56

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Pramod pov

Dad spoke as soon as mom left and asked me
*What did you do to her?*
I stood there knowing whom exactly he is talking about but not wanting to talk about her i stood there acting like I don't know what he is talking about.
I know what I did that day was wrong but I couldn't stop myself from doing that. I cannot leave her but I also cannot accept her after what she did to my mom. It is not easy to see someone you love everyday but you have to act like you don't give a fuck about her. That day I lost all my control. God knows what happened to me. I know Susheela's condition mrs.paul keeps me updated. I felt guilty for a moment but then her betrayal on that marriage day, overpowers it. The pain, humiliation, the heartbreak I suffered from overpowers everything and I hate it. I didn't return home after that day because I know seeing her like that will burn me down maybe I won't ever be able to look at myself after that.
Dad spoke seeing I was not answering
* Pramod I am talking to you! Do you have any idea what happened to the poor girl? Or shall I ask what did you do to the lively, young girl. The girl who used to be like fire is acting as if someone has freezed her. You know what she said when I asked her how is she, she replied me that she is living. Not anything else. Dharmpal would be very angry seeing her in this condition. I feel like I almost failed in raising you!*
I couldn't tkae it anymore and spoke
" Where were you when she asked me to leave from wedding in front of everyon e? Where were your questions when your son was in the same condition? Probably sleeping busy in taking her side."
Before I could speak any further dad stopped me bad said
* Mini was guilty. It was because of her that your marriage was called off not susheela. She forced dharmpal to kneel down in front of her and then played the victim. She planned all of this to break your marriage. Susheela was innocent. I am telling you this now because I guess it's important for you to know that. Your relationship with susheela is much more important than mini. I am correcting my mistake I should have done a long time back.*
Suddenly I couldn't listen to anymore words he was speaking. It was like as if the world has slipped between my legs. I stood there numb when dad declared that mon was the culprit not susheela. How the fuck can I be so heartles. That I could'nt se my love of life suffering in front of my eyes. How naive I was to break her heart again and again. Standing there in my room I knew that my world has shattered and there was nothing i could do about it. I was helpless.

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I forgot to publish after writing. I am sorry!!
Next update on Saturday or Sunday. Or Maybe it can be early too.

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