chapter 33

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Great now I am susheela Ruhail chautala!!!! Wife of pramod Chautala. My dream has really turned into a nightmare for me. The person I dreamt of marrying, the person I left my family for has turned into a devil. He broke the kiss in 10 seconds and then I was said to throw the bouquet some random stranger caught and the huge crowd started giggling. But I didn't give a fuck to them because my life has more issues going on . I can see pramod is staring at me when the priest announced everyone to dance. In the huge crowd of "my* wedding I could only recognise two people pramod offcourse and Mrs. Pual. Suddenly then pramod grabbed my waist and held me one hand indicating for dance. We danced. I looked into his deep eyes and I could sense love. I know my gut feelings are getting in wrong direction because that person doesn't have love he just have selfishness.  But then feelings are feelings. I wanted to scream loudly but at the same time kiss pramod for infinity. I wanted to run away from him but at the same time hold him in my arms forever. It's like u want something but still don't want it as u know it's not good for u. Ignoring the facts my brain drooled over tonight. Our first night. I suddenly started to think tht will he love me but then suddenly  his words came to my mind and unknowingly tears slipped from my eyes. The best part was pramod saw it and wiped those with his thumb. I don't know why but I could feel him looking at me lovingly. When suddenly a thing striked on my mind did pramod marry me cause of jealousy from that man ????
He loves ??
When my mind replied
Offcourse that could only be the reason, he loves me. He owned me had rights over me but despite all this he married me because he loves me, offcourse he was angry and upset on me for various reasons but he loves me. He said this to garima too. I noticed that I was staring him thinking all of these. Then I hugged him immediately by concluding he loves me and here a sudden change in my mind comes that I am married to the love demon not hatred demon and tears of happiness replace tears of sorrow.  After the intimacy moment we cut the cake off and fed each other and settled in the car to home. When he spoke
* I expect u to be ready to leave for rohtak, our flight is at 3 in night*
Shoot!! Is he trying to say that we would be spending our first night in boarding an airport flight. He is really pissed of me. But no worries susheela Ruhail....ooops......susheela Ruhail chautala has other ways to make him right.

Pramod pov
Knowingly or not my revenge is gonna be fulfill tomorrow. I will get satisfaction tomorrow. See you soon rohatak and susheela ruhail's ego collapsing

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