chapter 43

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Jay uncle stood there looking me. As soon as I noticed him I tried to stop crying when he said
* Pramod loves u, Don't worry, I know how u both suddenly married and how pramod have manipulated u. It is difficult to digest the fact that the man betraying u breaking u each day loves u but it is true susheela. He is just so confused and is broken because of the incident that happened 2 years ago. He will never speak it but he is afraid after that incident of losing u. I have seen him breaking down- crying after that day when he left u. Trust me he still loves u with every inch of his heart. The only problem is he is scared to admit and is scared to show u his soft side again. That's why he is always acting cold in front of everyone. Deep down he knows that u r his love of life that is why to hide it he always try to think bad about u, always try's to neglect u. Only u can heal him and again make him the sweet pramod. *
Mine expression changed into shocked one but still relieved with his words when he continued
* Don't worry I know that the mistake was of mini not dharampal. And I am really sorry for not telling pramod the truth but I am also responsible towards my fAmily. If I tell him the truth pramod will break down to the unthinkable extinct. After u left his only hope was his mom. So, seeing his situation I couldn't tell him anything and now if u tell he will definately not beleive and even if he does he will be torn apart thinking the injustice he did to u and thinking his mom is Evil. I hope u understand and not tell him anything. I know it not right thing to ask after WHAT u hve to do today, after u hve to break ties  with ur family, but still I hope u will understand and heal pramod, right susheela?*

I couldn't say a word and just nodded into yes. When he hugged me and kissed my forehead. Saying thank you to me. It was indeed difficult to stand against mini aunty but not difficult to heel pramod he is my heart and I can do anything for him and I knew the very first thing was to act guilty in front of mini aunty but nevertheless I will do it to heal him to get my chotta haddi back. I will make him accept his love for me.
Jay uncle suddenly spoke again
* I hope u r okay?*
I spoke
* Yes uncle, after u words better than okay but I hve just one question that how do u know about what happened in London?*
Jay uncle laughed and said
* I cannot leave my son alone in London. I sure do have some people around him all the time like miss paul, who also showed me ur wedding. Anyways but remember mini doesn't knows about it*
I was hell shocked but smiled seeing wise jay uncle when he spoke

" Call me dad, not uncle I seem too young for uncle*
I chuckled and spoke * dad* when suddenly pramod entered in room

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