chapter 50

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Susheela pov
I woke up in the morning to find myself in a messy situation. Picture of last night came into my mind which flooded my eyes. But I somehow controlled myslef and got ready to face everything with pride as I did nothing wrong.

After 2-3 hours
Ohh godd!!! Why is cooking food so difficult.
"Susheela u just have to mix it. One thing is for sure and that is in cooking u r just like me. I don't know I should be happy for that or no. Anyways common leave this jay will do it on his own. It's his area. Come let me buy you something online. Because I don't guess that pramod will be taking us out for shopping at any cost"
I sighed in a relief that I don't have to cook anymore but was not ok for shopping. Common I only like to buy shoes and boxing gloves not clothes. Okay to be specific pyjamas and loose tops will be okay to shop but gowns. No. Not at all. But what could u say. Defeatedly I had to bear mini aunty's fancy choices for the gown and at the end after surfing the net for about 1 hour we agreed to a nice gown which was not too fancy but also looked like a princess wear. Damm!! I realised mini aunty didn't changed when she offered me to buy some shoes. Did I mentioned that I really admire her for that. But I still didn't forget the fact that she insulted my father but then soon I realised that the father whom she insulted didn't considered me as his child anymore, he didn't even asked my whereabouts once after he found out what I did. Infact mom didn't do anything tooo. And I can bet garima also not have thought even single time about me since that day. Not even when pramod made me call her. Ironically I could take my problems to only 1 person, infact I could love only 1 person- PRAMOD. The who is a fool but a harsh and cruel fellow. My thoughts were interupted by the haddi himself.
" Susheela be ready we will be leaving for airport in 2 hours."
After ordering the stuff I ame in my room and was busy thinking about all this. When this happened. I didn't realise that it was already 12 means half-day. And as per pramod we had to leave for "hell"- London. I got ready and packed my bags and checked if anything was left when suddenly dad came inside the room and said
"Susheela I know something happened between u two last night. I could sense it. I also know he is taking u back to London so that he could control u again, but I request u beta pls don't leave him. He needs u and he will not accept but he loves u too much. And moreover I will always be with u and I can also see mini accepting u. I know this is too much for u but still. Only u can correct allk the wrongs done in the past. I hope u understand. *
I was literally in tears by that time and hugged him tight saying
* Don't worry that your daughter will set everything right and also I will never leave pramod... I can't. He is the only person left for me"
Dad gave me a reassuring smile and left. With a relief I came out of house only to see aunty and pramod hugging.  I don't know how pramod managed mini aunty to let us goo. She missed him so much for 2 years. But anyways it is what it is.

When we were moving out of house after bidding goodbyes mini aunty stopped me and said
* U said bye to jay but not to me. I thought dist. Between us reduced but it's okay ur choice."
With her confession I was taken aback. I didn't expect her to say that but then I hugged her and said goodbye.
Soon we were in the flight and in not time it landed in London. And offcourse we were home too. And surprisingly when we entered the home there was no light . Okay to be specific only in my room. I was figuring it out when suddenly pramod barged in and said
* Welcome to hell my cartoon".

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