chapter 45

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After 2-3 minutes of silence I understood the situation. Oh my god like seriously how can I be a fool. But what to do never in my life I have thought that I will hve a such a conversation with my elders. In my house people are orthodox so I never imagined this kind of conversations with elders especially ur father In law. Anyways hota hai susheela hota hai. 

We left the table after lunch and the whole day went smoothly. I slept on the couch to avoid any kind of nuisance.

I woke up the other day as usual late nearly 11. And took a bath only to find myself alone with mini aunty. I guessed that pramod must have went to hospital with dad. As a doctor her never stops working.
It was nearly 2 when the house bell rang. I thought it must be pramod so, I went to open it only to find mini aunty opening the door out of which was standing SHASHANK. I was hella shocked why did he came here. Before I could react mini aunty spoke " who r u "
When he spoke to me as I was standin behind mini aunty
" Susheela do I need to tell her who am I "
When with no option left I spoke
" He is my friend aunty"
I could see mini aunty's expression turing into 'amazing ones'. I could clearly see her frown. When she left from there. I looked at shashank and he signed me to come out as he wanted to talk . I went behind him out of the door when he suddenly hugged me . I mean how will u react if ur only friend not to mention ex turned into friend wil act weirdly. I just stood there when he broke the hug. Before I could say something shashank spoke
*I missed u Ruhail, where were u, I know we r not boyfriend- girlfriend anymore but I expect u to consider me as ur friend. I thought that we atleast had that understand. U know I really got scared when I had no news of u from last 6 months. But then when I reached Ruhail mansion I got to know that u r in London but then I heard the milkman talking about u so I reached here. Why are u staying here? Did u hve a fight with dharampal uncle he was looking angry?*
I was just simply looking in his eyes realising how important he considered me. Which unlikely no one did except him. He truly is a gem.
I spoke
* I am so...*
Before I could speak anything pramod out of no where held my arm and spoke
* Mr. Shashank better get this clear in ur head that person u r talking to is my wife, not ur girlfriend anymore as mentioned. So I expect u to maintain some distance from her. Moreover, if she considered u as a friend she would have told u something about this. I think it would be better if u leave and don't embarrass urself anymore*

Pramod pov( from morning)
When I woke up I saw her sleeping on couch. She was indeed looking beautiful. I couldn't stop admiring her. And I think that she will soon realise her mistake as she had a word with dad yesterday he must haver make her realise her mistake. And I think she is accepting it as she asked me to help mom. Maybe she will realise it. It will only make her life is easier.
Ignoring her I got ready and had breakfast with mom and dad. I had to go and see Agni whether I had relation with garima or not Agni was my friends I had to meet him. I told him to not tell anyone about it. Following it we went out and had fun. I didn't knew garima and he had a child ruhi. She was was indeed beautiful he showed me her pics with family. But one thing  disturbed my mind. None of the pictures were with susheela. Something was surely wrong with her relations. With all these thoughts when I reached home I saw susheela hugging someone. Seeing this my blood boiled. The girl who torched boys is hugging someone that too secretly. And after hearing the conversation I was really out of control. Because she really dated someone, liked someone after leaving me l. And here i couldn't be sweet to  any girl after the incident that happened. I  was deeply hurt. In the morning itself I thought she must be realising her mistake , but no I was wrong, I was stupid to feel that she loved me- loves me. And made a mistake on that day. But no she proved me wrong and made me realise that I was a fool. She broke my hope.

I dragged her inside the home and took her to room and spoke
* Why susheela why? Again breaking rules can't u get it once, not as my property but as my wife can't I expect ur loyalty?
Caging her between wall and my rage I continued
U never have to ever cared for me I know, but now as u r mine lawfully and spiritualy by marriage and contract u should follow my rules. I have made this fucking thing clear to u many times but u never listen. Maybe this is because I hve never made u feel the consequences but don't worry now u will face them u will have to pay for it now. I swear once we get to london, u will face real hell. *

Third person pov

Saying that he kissed her with rage, possession and claiming her he bit her lower lip,sucking it and then dominating her by entering in her mouth savouring it. Before she could say something he left from there leaving her in tragedy.

Susheela pov
Fuck! Why do I hve to ruin it all. He must have let me speak something I could hve explained him but no he has to judge everything on his own. Never trust me like he did that day. But no worries I will make him realise it for sure. He will be guilty for this and trust me he will be. I will make him realise I love him and he loves me too. 

Third person pov
She slept after consoling her self and then woke up nearly by 6. When she got out of her room she could see mini preparing dinner. She went to her and then spoke
*Any help?*
Mini just stood there and spoke
* After ruining me son's life u r asking fir help! Just go into ur room and sleep , I don't want any drama I had enough of it and If u ever want to help him just try to be susheela chautala not susheela Ruhail. U know that I have like u from starting te only thing that was wrong with u was ur class, just maintain it and I will accept u.*
Susheela just nodded and went out in market to meet shashank. She met him at his home and like a normal friend said sorry and said everything happened to fast and told him her imaginary dream life created up by pramod.  He was happy listening to her . Both of them bid goodbye and susheela left feeling relieved after clearing the misunderstanding. She told him that pramod was very possessive. Yes, he was her boyfriend but in only for 1 week. She was broken after marriage and just for the sake of getting relief to satisfy her ego she did it. But later she told him everything and they both became friends. But that doesn't means that she will ignore him. He cared for her when no one did. He was the only one who asked about her when she returned to rohtak.
It was 8 when she returned only to find mini aunty and dad with no pramod. Alas! She thought he was a stubborn one.
The trio ate dinner and left to their rooms when jay spoke to her
* Don't worry he has gone to his friends house will be back in some time.
Susheela smiled a little and went in her room, reading a novel waiting for him.

Ahh! My hands pain alot after writing longest part in history. 1397 WORDS
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