chapter 13

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Susheela pov
I left hospital and just pondered upon the road. Digesting what had just happened. I kissed him. I shouldn't have kissed him back. He wasn't in his senses, so he did it. But does it means that he still loves me. Does it actually means this. He trapped me because he wanted me to live with him. Offcourse yes!! He is my chotta haddi. He still loves because of it only he kissed me when he was not in his senses, he planned the deal because he want me to live with him. I know this is a wrong way but I am happy that he still loves me. Offcourse I can explain him my point of view of that day and he will understand. I know it was his mistake too but it was mine too. He is just angry on me for that day. I will surely mend him, is heart and then also make mini aunty understand things. But for that I will have to sell myself. But how could I do that. How can I sell myself. After deep breath. She thought I can do it.  It's for my chotta haddi. I am doing it.

I know this was small.
Also next part won't come till I get 29+ votes. Views are 50+ and votes are just 20+. This is not fair. And maybe I won't be posting story for 2-3 days.
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