chapter 32

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Before I could react or say a word he said
*Susheela stop crying and get ready it's our wedding tomorrow*
I was hell shocked I didn't knew what was going on his mind love-wedding-anger .
I immediately blurted out
*What u said ti garima, what is it true like do uuuu M......................................e.......*
He ignored me and went out the cabin saying
*Ms. Paul will be here in 10 minutes to select ur wedding gown, our wedding will be in church*

I was hell shocked what is he doing. What is going on in hai mind?
I just cried and cried in a confused state when ms.paul and he entered. I was still crying seeing my condition he said ms.paul to wait outside for 5 min.
Pramod spoke
*I told u not to cry*
I spoke in a cracking voice
*Do u love me?*
He said
*Get ready*
I said
*I won't marry u if u don't love me*
He then just held me by my shoulders in firm grip and said
* U r my property I am having rights on u, trust me I won't touch u after marriage, you are the last woman in the world for whom I will have physical desires. Just marry me*
I said
* I am ready to go jail and break the contract, I will not marry u at any cost*
He replies angrily
*Fine, u wanna break the contract then according to that your father's shop is now officially mine, I have 50% shares which were yours and same fate is followed by your house, and following 50% shares I will make sure the shop, ur sister's dream ur father's temple is closed for ever*
I looked up to him half livingly and said
* I am ready for the marriage*

Idk when the next part will come!!!.

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