chapter 30

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Pramod pov
I was like what seriously bailbudhi.
It's her adjective not mine.
I just stood their blank when she slept again. I realised after 2-3 minutes what happened and just laid beside her. I didn't knew what I was doing at that time and just slept peacefully.
After sometime
When I woke up I could see her staring at me. I could see that she was shocked when I without uttering a word slipped out from bed asked her about having dinner to which she said yes and we both had dinner in silence. When after eating dinner she spoke up
*I am sleeping in your room, I can't sleep on those harsh matress anymore*
To which I said

Susheela pov
Has he got mad?
What happened to him is he seriously ok or is his screw loose?
He literally allowed me to sleep in his room. Without reacting I went and slept there with him.
Tomorrow morning when I woke up I went back got ready on time and we got ready and left for the hospital.
It was about 2 when some buisness men came in to discuss about some stocks and shares. When bymistake an euro fell of his pocket. Which when I returned him he complimented me and said thank you.
*Thank you miss sexy*
I replied with a small smile. When I could feel pramod's gaze on me.

To be continued

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