chapter 54

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Third person pov

It was a usual Sunday morning. When susheela woke up. She was surprised to see 2 visitors. Mini and jay. They both entered the house to be greeted by Mrs Paul. And were shocked to see Susheela's condition. She had bags under her eyes and looked lifeless. Jay scared thinking about the possible things his son might have done to her, went near her and when he was about to greet her, she ran to the washroom, vomiting her guts out. Mini went near her and helped her when she returned in the living area Jay asked her how was she . To which she numbly replied
Jay and mini both were shocked to see her like that. Mini felt guilty of her actions now. Deep down she knew it was all her fault that her son and susheela suffered this much but never allowed this emotion to reach her. But today she couldn't neglect it, and in real she felt the consequences of her egoistic actions.  Jay through his eyes asked mrs.paul about susheela to which she shook her head in negative. Aming Jay's fears come tru. He knew that pramod had finally broken her. He had finally taken his pain out on her. He worriedly went towards her and asked her about her health trying to console her. She simply replied that it is okay but he somehow convinced her to take her to the hospital in the hope he may get to know what happened between the two. Mini also came along in hope of seeing her son and somewhere planning to tell him the truth.

After some time

They reached the hospital susheela went towards general compartment for her checkup while both mini and jay went towards pramod's cabin.

Pramod pov

I was working for God knows how many hours when I suddenly saw mom and dad entering my cabin. It was a pure shock what the fuck were they doing here. I did not expect them at all. Before I could think anything they both entered my cabin, offcourse without a knock and ma came and hugged me while dad stood there with a stern expression. Ma immediately asked me about my health and all the general stuff and we were talking while suddenly dad spoke
"Mini go to susheela i want to talk to him in private"
Before ma could speak anything else he again spoke implying ma to leave
I have never seen him so angry.

To be continued
Next part soon. !!
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