chapter 46

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Susheela pov

I was reading a novel beside a lamp when suddenly pramod entered in room. Fully drunk.
He came towards me and without saying anything kissed me I was stunned.
After few seconds he backed off and looked into my eyes. Although he was drunk so his eyes were a bit red but I could see the ocean of love in them, dad'e words and my instinct were right, he loved me he surely did.
I grabbed his arm and made him sit on bed when he held me to himself and made me sit on his lap and asked me
* Why susheela ji? Why how could u just date someone after what happened on that day? Didn't u loved me?*
His rough voice was already giving me goosebumps and on top of it was his lap. I swear it was the most fascinating position and night ever. He was possessive that day- that night. Seeing me with shashank made him feel jealous. Without any fear I just proclaimed his lips and my hands started opening his shirt. He started moving his hands on my back. Adding fire to the kiss.  He moaned in my ear *susheela be mine". Lust took over us. And we went ahead with breathtaking love making sessions back to back.
His hands Removing mely top and soon my bra. Followed by my lower clothes and his clothes. His thrusting in and out were giving me goosebumps alongwith relief, pain and immense pleasure. We slept late at night. Maybe slept in morning after getting tired. It was literal heaven.

After some hours

It was afternoon when I woke up. Pramod still sleeping on my side and I beside him crushed under his naked body tightly wrapped in his warmth. When suddenly I heard door opening and mini aunty entering in room. Shit pramod didn't closed the door yesterday. Offcourse he won't he was drunk. Before I could stop my overthinking it was too late mini aunty had already seen us and shouted.
*Pramod susheela*
She ran out of the room leaving pramod awake. Touchwood there was blanket upon us otherwise it could have been really a show. But she knew it that we had sex last night due to our positions. While thinking this I didn't realise that pramod snatched blanket from me and was looking for his shots wrapping it around him. At that time I literally felt angry and started snatching blanket from him to cover myself. When he shouted
*What are u doing?*
I replied
*U cannot take blanket from me like that *
By completing I had snatched blanket from him. After all I am a fighter. But alas! He had found his shots so he pulled them up immediately and said taunting me
*Couldn't u close the door, I was drunk and if u had to take advantage then u should hve closed it*

To which I replied
* Ohh really advantage! The person who was crazily asking for it from me is saying that, and it was ur mistake to not close the door I wasn't having any kind of intuition about ur intentions.*
Pramod said
*Don't act like u didn't enjoyed it*
I bit my lip at this and ran into washroom taking the blanket away with me.

Pramod pov
Shit shit
How could I be so mad that I asked it from her. And keeping that aside mom saw us. She must really be not happy to see this scene. Wearing my clothes I went outside. To see dad laughing hard and mom fussing. I was dead she told dad. He was gonna kill me with his teasing. When I went near them mom said
* Beta atleast have some basic manners to close the door. And was'nt London enough for these things. U came here to spend some time with us didn't u?
Before I could speak anything dad said
* Mini can't u see ur son is full of desires. He is a grown up. Let it be. If u want him to spend time with us then don't allow him to sleep in same bedroom with susheela ask him to sleep on sofa outside.*
Laughing hard he said this
I became pretty embarrassed and said* sorry mom*
And went back into my room only to see susheela getting ready. Damm she is intoxicating me like earlier.

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