chapter 22

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Pramod pov
It was 6 and she was still sleeping. I didn't wanted her In peace, I wanted her to go through the same pain I had gone through while she left me.  Therefore I splashed a jug of water on her. She jerked up and yelled but when she saw me her facial expressions immediately changed into sorry ones. I queitly handed over the rules. And dictated them while she was looking at my face. I spoke
*Rule 1- nothing would be done without my permission
Rule 2- u won't go anywhere without my permission
Rule 3- u will call me sir
Rule 4- u will assist me everywhere I want u to do
Rule 5- u will follow a perfect time table and anytime u don't follow it u will be punished.
Rule 6- punishment will be in the form like u won't be getting food for 1 whole day
Rule 7- u won't be talking to anyone else instead of me, nor a girl nor a boy
Rule 8- u can talk to ur family only on Sundays that too for just half an hour
Rule 9- u will never disrespect me
I hope I am clear with the rules*

Susheela pov
What is he mad? I am not a toy tht I will follow these rules, I vanished into pool of tears and just cried for the whole time while he was looking at my face blankly. Then he said tht there is an off for today. Miss Paul will explain me the time table and this would be the last time I will be talking it anyone despite him. Inner me knew tht I couldn't talk to my family not they will be willing to talk to me when I choose him above them. Somewhere my inner deep understood tht garima was right and I was wrong, but my heart was still not ready the listen that pramod's doesn't loves me. It still believed tht he loves me, cares for me.

Pramod pov
Is she mad why is she crying the rules are just so basic. She wouldn't be talking to anywhere here except me because she in London, she doesn't know anybody. What's the big deal pathetic girl.
But I don't know why I was feeling very bad that she was crying. Anyways I left form there to hospital ordering miss Paul to explain her the time table.

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Writers, khushi
Thank you!!!!
And also any guesses what will susheela do now? Will she try o escape? Will she follow the so called stupid "rules"? Or will she follow her heart to achieve her love?
Stay tuned

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