chapter 9

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Susheela pov
I was numb. Tears were flowing like water flows in river. I couldn't control myself from crying when I heard mom's voice and with great difficulty I gathered myself and we went in rented appartment. Mom told that she wil make the food. So, I just vanished in my room and cried, like I hve never cried before, I just posted my heart out. Every scene was flashing in my mind, the accident, the fake girlfriend deal, the real proposal, the marriage, everything was out. I don't know how long I cried. But after sometime I heard a knock on the door and mom called me out for lunch. I ate in peace and then after sometime I was sitting near mom, with my head on mom's lap, when mom asked me that why I don't want to have a baby, I expected this, so I said that I need some amount of time to spend my independent life, to which she agreed and smiled a little and said okay. I was reliefed that she didn't dragged the topic further to the extent that I would cry. She then got up and give the contract papers which pramod gave her, she told me that" damadji told to give u this, sign it and give it to him by tonight, he will be in hospital only, u must be knowing this"
I simply said yes. And went to my room to read the document.
After sometime when I read the whole document, tears started coming out of my eyes, I couldn't imagine that chotta haddi-my chotta haddi, will ever do something like this. I cried in pain,and after sometime consoled myself and understood that he is a changed man, or, maybe he was always like this, it's just I failed to recognise him.
I dressed myself and left to meet him in the hospital and informed mom that I will be back in 1-2 hrs at dinner time.

Pramod pov
I don't know why but I felt a bit emotional due to aunty's child wish. I drank whisky scotch, to reduce the pain that thought gave me. And waited for susheela to some and scream at me for the contract. I was in excited to see her first defeat, her moving steps towards hell.

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And ur guesses too
What do u think must be written in the contract.
Accurate or near one guess will get the spoiler of the next part.
Thank you
Writer, khushi

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