chapter 47

315 61 4

Susheela pov
I could see pramod's cold barrier shutting off. I was so happy to see it. And to be honest last night was indeed a pure bliss. It said that a person often speak truth after drinking and I just wish that this should be true. Because after last nights conversation before sleeping with pramod was the best. I just don't want to face another heartbreak. While I came out of the bathroom I saw pramod using his laptop. Dammm!!!! He was looking so hot. I just wish I could kiss him right now. Anyways that thought Is not possible so, ignoring it I when I was going towards the dressing table. Pramod spoke
*There is a drool on your face, you mind clearing it?*
Omg!! Did he just taunted my for staring at him.
I could feel the ehta down my cheeks. But ignoring it I started combing my hair when he came near me and said
" Seems like someone learnt to ignore*
I just didn't spoke a word again and in recation he placed his chin on my shoulder and spoke
*Once we get back to London I will teach you how to behave*
With his he went out of the door. Leaving me in shock. What did the words meant were they were out of love or anger. I just couldn't think. But then again to not make my heart sad I thought then to be of love and got out of the room. I guess they already had breakfast so I skipped. It was nearly afternoon pramod was doing "click-click" on his laptop and I was reading my novel
When mom came to me and said
*I will be having a party tonight pramod beta, as a reception for u and susheela please don't say no. I didn't spoke a word when u married her, I didn't spoke a word when u didn't re marry here again but please I want to have this party, I too hve some dreams regarding your
Weddings beta"
Pramod offcourse could'nt say no, is respecting her emotions it was decided that today is party. Shall I be happy for meeting so many people after such a long time, it be scared that what will happen? Na. Out of every emotion i was just busy thinking about pramod. Irony of love u know.
Before mini aunty left she spoke to me I guess
" Dress properly, I will give u proper clothes and please behave properly, I will take this as a test of yours to see that u can be classy or not"
I felt angry a bit. Was I a product that I would be tested, why is it the natural tendency of society to treka their daughter - in laws as a product. Anyways I ignoring her I concentrated back on my novel.

After half an hour later there was a knock on my door party was going to start at 4 and it was 2 right now. Mini aunty came in and gave me sarree. And spoke
* Personally I want u to wear some gown but can't help it this is all decent which is I hve right now. Tomorrow we will go to shopping for some buying u some decent dress. Pramod be free u will be taking both of us to mall near ready.*
Ignoring her shopping talk I was looking at the sareee. Where the fuck I will learn to wear it. It is just so depressing. But deciding I will learn through YouTube I just left the thoughts and got engrossed in my novel.
(Note:pramod was nit in room when mini came to give sarree)
It was nearly 3 when I got up and started wearing sarree. Damm!! It was soo toughhhh. I just couldn't doo ittt. Cherry on the top I just messed it up more after watching YouTube. Whey is it so tough. "Which motherfucker created this sarree kind of a thing."
I guess I spoke this little loudly cause I could see pramod laughing his ass out at my situation and spoke
* Miss susheela doesn't know this language*

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After very longgg go and have. Recap if you forgottt

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