Ava & Stefan ~ 1920

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He had kept his promise to stay where he was, which made me smile. I had sat back down which made us both smile.

"I was thinking, maybe we should go for a walk" "A walk?" "Yeah, is that no good?" "No, no it's not a problem" "Are you sure? Because we can just stay here and drink and all of that stuff" "It is alright" He laughs, and I nod.


"When am I going to figure out your name?" "When will I get yours?" I ask with a smile. "When I get yours" "Ava" He raises an eyebrow. "Mikealson? My brother is Nik Mikealson, think about it" "I knew that" "Sure you did, now tell me yours" "Stefan Salvatore" "Ooh, you are a Salvatore" "You know any other Salvatore's?" "Oh no, no I did not mean it like that" He nods suspicious.

"Ok, how old are you?" "18" "Really? That is the age you are going for?" He laughs. "I am year younger than that" I nod and smile. "You?" "Ah, you got lucky because I am 17 as well" "You are right, I did get lucky" We look at each other and I look away.

"Along with Nik and Rebekah, what other siblings do you have?" "I have 3 other siblings" "So in total you have 5 siblings?" "Yes, I was really close with Nik, Rebekah and one other... he ran off, I do not know where everyone has ran off to, but Nik, Rebekah and I all stuck together. Nik because I was overly attached when I was born, Bekah because she is my sister and I got attached to her as I grew" We chuckle.

"Do not get me wrong I was always interested in everything my family was doing, I would just be joined at the hip with Rebekah when Nik was busy and the other way around" I sigh. "What about you? Any siblings?" "None that I talk to, we kind of drifted apart... his name is Damon" "Damon, did he... Katerina" "How do you know about her?"

"Nik liked her, too... I always hated her but I never knew why! It was just a gut feeling! Elijah secretly had a thing for her, he told me not to tell anyone so I kept the secret. It did to them what it did to you and your brother" I shake my head, just another reason to hate Katerina Petrova.


We had dropped the conversation about Katerina, and went about asking each other questions.

"Where are we even going?" I chuckle, when I do he says, "I love it when you chuckle" If I was not a vampire, I would have been blushing. "I like it when you chuckle, too Stefan"

He stops us in the middle of the street, and kisses me; placing both of his hands on my cheeks. It was getting intense, really intense.

"Mm" I moan into the kiss. "I do not want to walk all the way home, just to have you, Stefan" I moan, while he kisses my neck. "That is ok, you do not have to, beautiful" I giggle.

We are inside of a telephone booth, which I do not want to have my first time in. So I stop, immediately.

"Oh, hell no, I would rather walk all the way home" He sighs and we walk out. "I do not want my first time to be in an uncomfortable telephone booth"
He nods and kisses me, somehow when I open my eyes... we are laying on my bed.

"Oh. My. God... you are a... vampire" He nods and stands up. "Hey, hey, it is ok... I am as well" "I know" "You knew this entire time... and did not say anything?" "It did not change my feelings for you at all" "I am really starting to like you more and more" We laugh and he climbs back on top of me.

We take off our outfits in a flash, -guess it helps we are vampires. He puts his hand on my cheek rubbing it with his thumb.

"It will hurt at first, but it will feel better" "I trust you, Stefan" "It is not a matter of trust, it is just how it works" I nod and he kisses me. "I want you" He smiles and kisses me harder.

When he enters into me, a tear falls from my eyes. It did hurt, a lot actually, but then I started to feel pleasure. He could see when I started to feel the pleasure and started to go a little faster than before.

I dig my fingernails into his back, and draw blood. Stefan was so out of breath, but he did not want to stop and I did not want him to. But, to give him a break, I hurriedly flip us over. Putting me on top, and him on bottom and he smiles back at me.

"Huh, Stefan" I sigh as he kisses my lips, my jaw, my jawline, my neck, my throat, my chest and as far down as he could go from where he was.

"Uh, Ava-" He groans as I go down on him harder. That was, until I heard our front door open.

"Was that... did you hear that?" "Hear what?" "Sh" I say, pointing to my ear. When I do not hear anything else, I shrug and kiss him again.

Stefan flips us around and it makes me giggle. Finally, after what seemed like forever of amazing sex with Stefan, both of us hit our max. After, we just laid together, he told me he would stay the night.

*Alright so I know that's Damon & Elena but they always go at more than the others 😂 that's the most appropriate way I can say it if you know what I mean... So I chose this one*

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