Care and Tyler's Letter

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Towards the end of the letter, I could tell she'd been crying... words had smeared a little. It didn't only make her cry, but it made me cry, too. Why's she gotta go and make me cry.

"Go and get her brother" He says, patting my back; I look at him and nod then head to New Orleans first.

Tyler and I are at The Grill playing pool when Damon comes up to us, looking... different.

"What's wrong?" Damon hands us both letters. "Read those, Ava wrote them to you" "Well, where is she?" "She left, Caroline" "It wasn't my fault, right?" "No, Tyler" He heads to the bar and hands Matt one and then leaves.


Dear Caroline,
I'm sorry I'm saying goodbye in a letter. But it's the easiest way for me to do it. Keep in mind I'm a Mikealson and I don't do well with friends and feelings, lol.
Care-Bear I've only known you a short amount of time, but we got so close so fast. I never thought I'd be calling anyone Care-Bear. Thought I'd be stuck with my family forever, with no friends forever. But, you... Caroline are so special, and I just can't leave you. So my numbers attached. Please don't let anyone see it or give it to anyone at all, not even Stefan.
I know you might blame him for my leaving, but in reality, it's nobodies fault. I just need to be with my family, and he needs to be with his brother, his girlfriend and their friends. That doesn't include me... I don't fit in here, I just don't, I've made bad decisions from day 1 and ever since I've continued to make them.
This may be another, but it also may be a good choice. Who knows a few years down the road, I might come back. You and Matt or you and Tyler could be married with children -I better be invited to that wedding! And I want your first daughter named Ava or Lynn! I love you Caroline Forbes, and if anyone mistreats you, I'll kick their ass, just ask Tyler. Good luck in Mystic Falls.

Ava Lynn Mikealson

Tyler Lockwood!!!

Dear Mr. Football player,
Lol, jk, see how many new words I've learned from Caroline?! It's crazy the words they've came up with since I was born.
Anyway, your probably wondering why I'm writing you a letter. Well it's because I want to apologize for all the stuff I did to you the first day I got to school. I know it was in the past, but I did it in front everyone and I'm sorry. I hope one day, if you haven't already, that you can find it in you to forgive me.
It'll take time, I know, and I'm willing to wait. So take your time to think about it. I did do you a favor by "convincing" them to keep you on the football team and in school you just remember that, Lockwood. Lol, there's that word again!
Caroline is a special woman, Tyler, I know you have feelings. How can you not, she's so beautiful and her gorgeous eyes, and hair and her personality is alright most of the time. If I find out you hurt her by anyone, I will track you down and beat you so badly they won't be able to fix you. So I'd do us both a favor and keep you on my good side. Anyway, that's the end of my letter. Goodbye, Mr. Football Player!

Ava Lynn Mikealson

I smile after he showed me his, tears start streaming down his face. They'd already streaming down mine from the second I started reading my letter.

"Matt, I wouldn't read that until you get home" "Why? What is it?" "Ava left" I said and he shakes his head grabbing it and going to the back. He wanted to cry already. He's lost so many people already. Just between us, I think he had a thing for Ava.

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