Marcel Gerard

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When I get back, Damon's not anywhere in sight and neither is Ava. I head towards my room and see all of her stuff packed up with her on the bed asleep.

My eyes water as I realized that what we had is over. She's gonna leave me and go back to her family.

"Ava?" I gently shake her awake, she yawns and stretches. "Oh, Stefan" "You fell asleep, figured I'd wake you up" I whisper pointing towards her bags.

"Oh, yeah" "Yeah" "I- Stefan, can we go outside and talk?" "What's there to talk about? Your leaving me and everyone else behind" "Please Stefan?" I ask and he nods.

"I'm really sorry about the last few weeks" "It's not your fault... you aren't yourself and I'm not exactly taking that into consideration" "Stef, you were the best boyfriend I've ever had" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Were?" "I think we should take a break" "Yeah, yeah of course whatever you want" "And when the baby comes... you'll be the first to know I'm even feeling her start to come" "Good, I hope you have a good time in New Orleans" "Thank you, Stefan" I hug him and he kisses the top of my head.


After saying goodbye to all of my friends, I head to New Orleans. It was a relief to finally leave Mystic Falls, but I have to admit I do miss everyone. I promised Damon and Caroline I'd call them both everyday.

If I don't, they're probably gonna think I'm dead. I'll check in with Stefan every once in awhile. I don't wanna be the type of ex girlfriend who has no communication even though we're gonna have a baby together.

~New Orleans~
I get out of my car and start to look for the place my brother told me their home was. When I spot someone outside the place that looks like where they described, I go up to him.

"Excuse me?" He raises an eyebrow at my accent. "Do Niklaus and Elijah Mikealson live here?" "W-?" "Sister!" I hear my brother yell. "Thanks-" I say to him with a smile. "-brother" We hug and he spins me around.

"Where is Elijah and the others?" "Out they will be back very soon" "Do they know I'm here?" "I took it within myself to make it a surprise" "Figured" I roll my eyes.

"Speaking of surprises, Freya!" He yells. "Freya?" A blonde haired girl walks out and smiles at me. "Oh my God, Freya!" "Ava?" "Oh my God! It's been so long! Look at you! You have grown up so much!" "You two really do know each other?" "You think I would lie?"

"Well" "Oh my God, how have you been?" "All in good time dear sister" She says and we laugh. I hug her again and we all sit and talk.

"So how far along are you really?" "A few weeks actually" "Wow, that baby is growing" "Yeah I know" I laugh. "Oh" She just kicked! "What is it? What's wrong?" "The baby just kicked" They smile. "Do you guys want to feel?" They both felt and pretty soon after the rest of my family came back home.

"Elijah, Rebekah!" I shout, seeing them. "Ava!" We hug and all that before I see a tall mixed man. He was quite handsome.

"I am Ava Mikealson, their younger sister, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance" "Ava, this isn't the old days anymore" We laugh and I shake his hand. "Marcel Gerard" "Your Marcel? You have grown to be quiet handsome" "Your very pretty yourself, congratulations on your pregnancy" I smile. "Thank you, Marcel Gerard"

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