I'm Sorry I Asked

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~The Grill~
Caroline, Bonnie, Elena and I are all sitting in a booth waiting for drinks. I guess Matt works here so he'll be bringing them. Caroline wants to ask me questions and I can tell, but she's not doing it.

"Caroline, I can tell you want to ask me  something... anything... so ask away" I say with a chuckle. She breaths a sigh of relief, making us all laugh.

"Ok, where are you from?" "Well, I don't really like... telling people exactly where I was born, but I moved around a lot, still did until I moved here" "Oh, is it because it was somewhere embarrassing?" "Caroline!" Elena and Bonnie fussed at her.

"It's ok, don't worry about it, um, no it's not because I'm embarrassed but it's-" I sigh, tears well in my eyes. "I just can't tell you right now, I only lived there until I was 10 years old anyway. Maybe when we're closer and we get to know each other more" I nod with an unconvincing smile.

"Um, I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna head home" "Wait, Ava!" "It was a lot of fun hanging out with you all" "It was fun hanging out with you too, I'm sorry for asking that" "Hey, don't worry about it" I say and walk out heading home.


About halfway there, I can tell someone is following me. Since I'm an original, it's dangerous for vampires to be following me so I have to watch out.

"Ok, whose following me?" I ask with a smirk. "Alright then" I say and start walking again. "Seriously, this is absolutely rediculous!" When I turn around nobody is there, but when I turn back around, Damon Salvatore is standing in front of me!

"Oh my God! Bloody hell!" I scream, which makes him laugh, obviously. I roll my eyes and put my hand on my hip.

"Alright, alright enough it wasn't that funny!" "It was pretty funny" "Why were you following me?" "Straight to the point" "Why. Were. You. Following. Me?" I ask slower, and angry.

"Ok, ok. Stefan came back this morning and was acting all weird. Started looking through books and stuff, think he might be on to you, thought I'd give you a heads up" "There's no way he's on to me, Damon, we compelled him, and when an original vampires compels another vampire it can only be undone by another original vampire" I say with a shrug.

"Well, you could come find out yourself if you want to" "Why are you so intent on me doing this?" "I took him from you centuries ago, it's only fair I give him back to you when I have the chance" "Damon, I'm not mad at you anymore" "You should be, though! And I guarantee you he will want to kill me when he gets his memories back" "I'm not gonna let him, believe me" "Why?" He asks, confusing me.

"Why what?" "Why not let him kill me? I deserve it" "No, Damon you don't, even after what you did you still don't deserve it. You may have done some bad things in your time, but so have I, and so has he, but you don't deserve to die for it" He smirks at me and we make our way to the Boarding House.

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