A Shift in Perspective

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Wei Ying gets kicked out of college - luckily, his lab partner Lan Zhan is here to help him out.

Alternately: Lan Zhan gets his very own live-in pet.

Dropping out of college sucks. Wei Ying may have joked about it, saying that he would drop out and become a stripper, but it had all just been a joke.

Now, two weeks into being cut off from the family that had raised him, run out of house and home – dorm and school, in this case, Wei Ying can’t really see the humor in it anymore.

Lan Zhan, his objectively hot lab partner for the past two years, pauses on the sidewalk to look at the no-doubt weird expression clouding his face. He’s carrying one of Wei Ying’s three duffle bags that currently carry all of his worldly possessions, and Wei Ying could have sworn he’d hated him. Apparently, that wasn’t the case; Lan Zhan had decided to blow Wei Ying’s mind yesterday and offer to let him live in his off-campus apartment. He’s even helping move Wei Ying’s things over, the perfect picture of a gentleman.

“Lan Zhan, ah, I don’t know how to thank you for this,” Wei Ying grins, the motion feeling hollow. “I promise I’ll pay you back as soon as I find a job.”

“Focus on yourself first,” Lan Zhan intones calmly, his deep voice automatically making Wei Ying relax a little. Always so calm and collected, his Lan Zhan. Golden eyes turn his way, quickly sweeping up and down Wei Ying’s body. “I’m sure we can work out an agreement for your payment.”

Wei Ying, for no reason he can tell, shivers at that. Still, he doesn’t have to drop a huge amount of money he doesn’t have on a safety deposit for an apartment he can't afford, and he knows that Lan Zhan isn’t the type of person to screw him over just because he’s in a vulnerable position. He gives his companion a small smile, infinitely more real than the last one.

“Alright, Lan Zhan. I’ll hold you to it!”

It’s been two weeks, and Wei Ying has made no progress on finding a job. Not even the shitty customer service jobs that always seem to be low on workers give him a call back whenever he submits his resume. Lan Zhan doesn’t seem to mind too much, but Wei Ying hates feeling like dead weight, so he occupies his time with doing various chores around the apartment. Since his roommate is gone most days and Wei Ying doesn’t have anything real to fill his time with, he does more cleaning than he’s ever done in his life.

After almost a decade and a half under Madame Yu, Wei Ying knows how to clean to perfection. He’d never have thought it was something he’d do of his own volition, but he’s been learning all sorts of new things ever since moving in with Lan Zhan.

He also handles the cooking, for the meals he and Lan Zhan are both available for – it had been a steep learning curve, what with Lan Zhan waking up at an ungodly hour and seemingly being allergic to flavor, but Wei Ying had been determined to pull his own weight. His tastebuds have learned to stop violently rejecting the bland vegetarian meals they eat. He isn’t quite waking up at 5 yet, but more often than not he rises before the sun, which is frankly amazing.

He’s just hit a rough patch. He can’t let himself get so easily discouraged – no one finds a job right away. He’ll have better luck next week. He’s sure of it.

Wei Ying isn’t quite sure how it happened, but he’s currently sitting on Lan Zhan’s dick.

To be honest, he’d completely forgotten that Lan Zhan had even had a dick; he’s never seen the other man bring anyone home, and he’s never caught him doing anything sexually incriminating? Really, Wei Ying’s not sure if their current position is even sexual at all.

Sure, Lan Zhan’s hard cock is methodically grinding into the asshole Lan Zhan just brutally stretched open, but he’d been so clinical about it that Wei Ying has his doubts.

Currently, he thinks Lan Zhan is just trying to distract him from yet another unsuccessful job hunt – it’s what he’d told Wei Ying before things took a strange turn, and it’s not like Lan Zhan ever lies. They’re seated at the kitchen table, Wei Ying on Lan Zhan’s lap, his back to Lan Zhan’s sweater clad chest, and they’re paging through one of Lan Zhan’s textbooks together. Wei Ying’s missed this – the intriguing challenge of learning new ideas, the tactile closeness to another living being. It’s been so long sine he’s even seen anyone else, let alone slept with someone. He’s sure Lan Zhan will forgive him if his own dick ends up slightly chubby after their two-hour cheer-up study session.

It becomes their “thing”, Wei Ying’s pretty sure. Somewhere over the course of a month, it becomes natural for Lan Zhan to break out his class materials and his cock, and for Wei Ying to keep it warm for him for as long as their study sessions last.

Lan Zhan seems to prefer Wei Ying on his knees, mouthing softly at him due to a bad habit of oral fixation Wei Ying’s never trained himself out of, reading out loud from either his book or his notes. Wei Ying can tell, because Lan Zhan’s dick actually twitches once or twice while he’s buried in his mouth – he’s even cum down Wei Ying’s through twice so far! Still, so much talking makes Lan Zhan’s throat sore, so more often than not Wei Ying finds himself once more astride his roommate’s wonderfully muscled thighs, trying to ignore just how lively his cock seems to be getting over some good, old-fashioned studying.

Lan Zhan, the best person in Wei Ying’s world, had seen just how bored Wei Ying has been getting, sitting at home all day with nothing but cleaning to do. Now, he gives Wei Ying tests on the material they study together!

Every time Wei Ying gets all of the questions right, Lan Zhan even gives him a reward! Secretly (or not-so-secretly, if Lan Zhan’s knowing look is any indication), Wei Ying’s come to love going down on his knees and taking Lan Zhan’s cock. It’s an easily quantifiable victory whenever he feels Lan Zhan harden in his mouth. The way Lan Zhan snaps his hips into Wei Ying’s face, leaving him choking and gagging, covered in spit, makes it so easy for Wei Ying to finally get his mind to be quiet. Every time Lan Zhan comes down his throat, Wei Ying beams at him through his tears.

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