The Monster You Know (part-2)

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Ge, on the other hand, has gotten almost unbearable with how frequently he needles him to bring his whore back home to share. He doesn't withhold sex from Lan Zhan, he knows better, but every other word out of his mouth seems to be about how he can't wait to meet the conquest his "cute little brother" managed to catch all by himself.

Lan Zhan has never felt jealous of their shared playthings before, never felt the need to keep one all for himself, so it's not like it's his fault he needs a bit of time marking his Wei Ying up before he lets his brother get a taste.

Eventually, Lan Zhan tires of the incessant comments and the rushed fucks in back alleys and the backseat of his car.

He allows Wei Ying to stay out later than usual so he can use the excuse of being too tired to drive the tipsy mess home and still feel comfortable driving all the way back to his own house at ass o'clock in the morning. He convinces his drunk toy that it'd be best to just crash at his "best bro's" house, that Lan Zhan would drive him home in the morning.

As usual, a roofied water bottle puts him out for the night.

Lan Zhan still uses him thoroughly, both in the bar parking lot and in the underground garage he pulls into when he makes his way to his and Lan Huan's pristine apartment building. He admires the picture Wei Ying makes against his leather seats one last time under the light filtering in from his tinted windows before dragging the skin-tight jeans over his slut's leaking ass. Slinging Wei Ying's unconscious form over his shoulder, he finally brings his toy home to meet the family.

As the baby of the family, Lan Huan knows that A-Zhan is spoiled. He'd done his fair share of the coddling, so he knows just how badly his didi has everyone wrapped around his no longer little finger. Usually, though, it's an amusing and precious facet of his A-Zhan's personality - the self-assured way he helps himself to Lan Huan's partners, the expectant way he looks at Lan Huan as his dick tents his pants. Lan Huan's always gotten something out of how bratty his didi is, so he's slightly put out that all he's gotten from his younger brother's selfish streak this time is (admittedly satisfying) rough sex, and figurative blue balls from seeing just how satisfied his A-Zhan is after using his "Wei Ying" but not being able to try it out for himself.

To be fair, he almost understands when A-Zhan finally brings his toy home for the first time. His didi's Wei Ying is tall, decently muscled, and exactly their type.

"Welcome home, A-Zhan. I see you've brought a friend!" Lan Huan can't help but poke, with how disgruntled his younger brother looks at having to finally share. It's his job as the elder sibling, after all.

Lan Zhan rolls his eyes, dumping his load onto the already pulled out futon in their living room. He immediately strips Wei Ying of his clubbing clothes, baring the dripping, abused hole hiding underneath for Lan Huan's hungry eyes.

"He'll be out for another two hours," A-Zhan says, pointedly looking at him, moving to position himself by his toy's head.

Lan Huan laughs lightly, coming up behind his brother and pressing his quickly growing erection into his ass. He ghosts his hands lightly over the front of A-Zhan's rough denim jeans, no doubt chosen specifically for how much they chafe against his poor victim's ass when he fucks them.

Gripping the weighty bulge tucked down his didi's right pant leg, Lan Huan licks his lips, nuzzling into A-Zhan's sweat-damp neck. He bites down lightly when he gets a low hum of approval and a lazy roll of his baby brother's strong hips.

"How thoughtful of you," he smiles, stroking the clothed dick one last time before moving to A-Zhan's fly and lovingly extracting it from his straining pants.

Lan Huan's mouth waters at the sight of his brother's truly impressive hard cock, still tacky from what he assumes was a quick fuck downstairs before he brought his toy up for his older brother's use. So possessive, his didi.

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