My Wifie's titties

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While mother Wei feeds Lan Yuan his milk, Lan Zhan gets horny and possessive.

Wei Ying starts his morning in the bed with a yawn, completely naked, lying in between Lan Zhan and A-Yuan. Wei Ying softly presses a kiss on his son's forehead and then his husband's lips.

Getting up, he puts on only his panties and one of his husband's loose t-shirts that reach upto his upper thigh. Getting fresh, he eanters the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Suddenly, he feels strong muscular hands around his tiny waist, and then a kiss on his nape. He turns around with giggle and then kisses his shirtless husband. "Goodmorning A-Zhan." He greets. He is greeted back with a tight squeeze of his ass.

"Wei Ying is not wearing pants, again?" Lan Zhan asks, slipping his hand inside the underwear and giving a harder squeeze.

"It's just you, me and A-Yuan. So why bother. Besides, you like me when I am under-dressed, don't you, Lan-er'gege?" Wei Ying says.

He turns around, resuming his cooking while letting his husband pull down his panties till just above his knees and abuse his ass with spanks, pinches, squeezes and occasional fingering in his cunt making it sleak.

The couple hears a loud cry. "I guess A-Yuan woke up. I'll go, yeah?" Wei Ying says as he pulls up his innerwear and goes to their bedroom. "Watch the pan for the while." He says before leaving the kitchen.


Wei Ying sits on the couch, cradling his baby in his lap while watching his favourite TV show beside his husband. A-Yuan starts crying all of a sudden.

Wei Ying whines. "A-Yuan, how many times do you cry? You have become naughty nowadays. I was watching my show, Aiya!"

A-Yuan cried louder. "Alright, alright. Get your milk." Wei Ying says, pulling off his t-shirt, leaving him naked only on his panties. It was ok, though. It was a Sunday and no one comes anyways. Besides they always have their curtains and foods closed. And Lan Zhan like seeing Wei Ying in the minimalest of covering. He loves

Wei Ying doesn't have big breasts, not nearest to enough like a girl. They are just a little up like any other man of his age. Only, he has milk.

A-Yuan buckles his mouth on Wei Ying's right nipple and starts sucking hard, immediately stopping to cry. "You naughty brat, learning all your father's tactics." Wei Ying muttered. Lan Zhan hears this and pulls Wei Ying on his lap, his back touching his chest. "Aiya, Lan Zhan!"

"Father's what?" Lan Zhan nibbles on Wei Ying's neck. Wei Ying whines. "Don't you also find random reasons to fuck me in broad daylight? Your son does that to suck my nips too." Wei Ying says.

"Take off your underwear." Lan Zhan commands roughly.

"Ah, now? Lan Zhan not while milking A-Yuan!" Wei Ying says, but Lan Zhan had already put his hand in Wei Ying's panties and started fingering him with his single slender finger.

"So wet from just milking your son. Such a slut." Lan Zhan says, pulling off those underwears. Wei Ying moans, reflexively spreading his legs. "Slut likes his tits being sucked, doesn't he? Let me help too." Lan Zhan says, turning Wei Ying to face him and latches on his empty left nipple.

"Ah! Lan Zhan! I told you not when feeding A-Yuan!"
Wei Ying says, despite his words, presses Lan Zhan's head closer. Lan Zhan doesn't suck in A-Yuan's manner. He sucks hards bites, nibbles and kisses Wei Ying nipples.

A-Yuan sees what his father was doing, and tries to copy. Wei Ying moans louder feeling both his tits get abused at the same time. "Fuck!" He gasps.

He is completely naked. His husband and son are having a competition of who sucks the nipples the best. His moans are loud and lewd. His milk is gonna finish within next five minutes if both of his Baobeis continue sucking it like this.

Lan Zhan loves Wei Ying's milk. It is sweet and creamy. It is a bit watery at first but then it gets thicker. He sucks the milk continuously and gulps it down while his wife pulls him impossibly close.

He can see his son trying to suck harder and take more milk, so he competes, sucking harder. A-Yuan honestly doesn't know what is happening. He is only a year old. But he sees his father sucking his mother's nipples, but it looks different forom what he is doing. So he copies his father. As his father changes his style and suck in harder, he does too. The milk has started getting watery again.

Lan Zhan groans, still sucks on whatever is remaining. Soon, it is dry, and there is no more milk. He sucks the hardest, trying to get any left over milk. "Ah! Lan Zhan! The milk is over! Slow down, ah!"

Wei Ying cries. "A-Yuan! You too! Stop sucking, I don't have more milk." Lan Yuan unlatches his mouth from his mother's tits obediently and rest his cheek on Wei Ying's chest, sucking his thumb as he watched his dad.

Lan Zhan doesn't stop. He just softens his sucking to his wife's liking. Feeling satisfied, he moves from Wei Ying's nipples to his neck, pressing kisses in line till his mouth.

He kisses Wei Ying deeply and is returned with the service in the kiss. With his neck tilted up, A-Yuan curiously watches his father. He has seen his father doing this to his mother many times, but he doesn't understand what it is.

It looks as if they are licking each other, but a bit more aggressive and also sucking. He watches as father's hand laces down till it reaches Mama's bottoms.

His father puts two fingers inside somewhere he cannot see. "Baba?" He blabbers. While his mother and father were busy licking each other's mouth, he bends down out of curiosity what his father was doing abd where the sleek noises were coming from.

He sees that now there were three fingers instead of two inside his mother. There was a strange pinkish hole in his mother where he had his peepee. He always likes coping his father. He wants to be like father one day. So he shoves in his four tiny fingers all together.

Wei Ying gasps. shit! Fuck fuck fuck!. He had completely forgotten about A-Yuan's presence till now when he felt wrigly small fingers in his pussy. "Lan Zhan, look at A-Yuan!"

He gasps between their breathless long kiss. Lan Zhan takes his mout from Wei Ying and looks down at his son trying to finger his wife. His son looks up at his father.

Lan Zhan angrily (but gently) picks A-Yuan up and places him away on the couch. "Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying moans his husband stand up and strip down and then taking his wifie back on his lap.

"Lan Zhan, not in front of A-Yuan!"
"Ride." Lan Zhan orders.
"No! I can't with A-Yuan here!" Wei Ying denies.
He is punishes with a smack on his thighs.
"Aiyo, Lan Zhan! I will dominate you tonight!" He stubbornly says, as he takes Lan Zhan's huge, throbbing, hard cock and slides it inside of him with a broken moan.
He waits for a while for his pussy to adjust Lan Zhan's size. Lan Zhan is big! Once his muscles relax a bit, he starts moving up and down, bouncing on his husband's lap.

Lan Zhan grips Wei Ying's hips as his groans syncs with Wei's moans. From the corner of the couch, Lan Yuan was still seeing his mother and father. He doesn't understand what they are doing. His mother is jumping in his father.
Are they dancing?
Are they playing.
It looks like they are playing.
It looks like a fun game.
He jumps on the couch trying to match his mother who was distracted in the game.
His mother lets out a sharp mewl as a whitish liquid pours out from her bottom.
"Milk?" He blabbers.
His mama has more milk!

He crawls to his mother, who now was sitting still on his father's lap with his father's peepee inside. Both the adult notice when the child begins licking their orgasm from Wei Ying's thighs.

His eyes go wide.
"A-Yuan! Spit out! Spit it out! That's bad thing!" He says in a hurry, but A-Yuan had already drank it.
"Milk salty." A-Yuan says.
"That's not milk!" Wei Ying wants to slam his head to the wall.
"Lan Zhan, let me put A-Yuan to sleep, then we can continue."
Wei Ying gets up from Lan Zhan's lap and picks up A-Yuan.
"Five more rounds." Lan Zhan says, holding his wife's wrist.

"What? Fuck Lan Zhan! You're gonna get me all tired. You will have to do all the cleaning and cooking of you want tgat many rounds!" Wei Ying whines.
"Mn, deal." Lan Zhan agrees.

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