Pretty little omega

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The emperor of Gusu lan was known for being ruthless, a pure-blood alpha who craved nothing more than power over things. Known for his godly look the purebred alpha was compared to a god descending heavens.

Being over 25 that it was about time that the alpha chooses a suitable mate for himself and mates with the Omega to produce pups for the kingdom. Out of love or out of hatred did not matter.

The alpha had to mate with his suitable mate in front of a coronation.

Kingdoms from all over the cultivation world sent a suitable cultivator for the alpha to be mated with. Being made to stand in front of the coronation the alpha will choose an omega or a beta and mate with him or her.

Such that, Jiāng wanyin a beta was sent from the yunmeng Jiang as a suitable mate Jiang cheng the alpha along with a handmaiden called wei Wuxian.

"Don't cause any trouble wei Wuxian, let's just hope that the bastard doesn't choose me" Jiāng Chéng whispered to his brother who was sent as a handmaid for him.

"Yeah, yeah" wei ying whispered slightly flustered over the last few h. The young omega clutched onto his robes tightly now and then and ss his groans.

"I will meet you later," Jiāng Chéng said going inside his resting chambers. The handmaidens got one next to the betas since omegas always stayed away from other betas and alphas.

"Mm~" Wei Ying moaned falling on the ground as he finally let go of his self restraints. Slick ran down the omegas thighs as he quivered from the heat his body was going through.

"Not my heat" Wei Ying whimpered curling up into a ball when he felt his whole body burn, it begged to get filled and be bred by an alpha.

Oh! How good it would feel to be filled by alpha and be plugged someone's huge cock for the rest of his heat. His pretty little virgin cunt would clench around someone's cock begging for more and more.

"Ngh~" Wei Ying winced letting out a choked moan as he undid his robes, starting with the sash he ripped away from his body, on the ground.

A pair of golden orbs stared at the omega touching himself from afar and felt a smirk form on his face.

' I have found my omega'

The purebred alpha thought to himself as he walked back to his chambers to prepare for the coronation tomorrow. A small unseen smile on his face when he found out that he had bagged the prettiest omega he had ever seen in this world.

"Ngh~" The omega moaned rubbing his wet folds with his slicked up fingers. The omega continued to touch himself without noticing that he had left the window open through which a certain someone was watching him.

' his heat will be stronger tomorrow'

He thought backing away from his stance to walk away.

The next day,

All the suitors for the emperor were collected in front of the imperial throne in the courtyard where hundreds of Imperial members were collected to see whom the emperor was going to choose. The handmaidens of the suitors were made to stand behind them to give the emperor a good view of the suitors he might have to choose and mate.

Wei Ying on the other side had been fidgety the who The young omegas face was red from his heat in full swing and legs were closer to eachothers to stop the slick from flowing down his thighs.

The poor omega forgot to bring suppressants to the mighty alphas glee who had been in advantage the whole time.

"Stop moving around wei Wuxian" Jiāng Chéng Wei Wuxian to his brother cautiously when he heard the doors of the palace open revealing the mighty alpha emperor of Gusu lan in all his might.

A stoic cold look on his face batting no emotions to the scent of his omegas heat.

Wei Ying's breath hitched when he smelt the alphas strong pheromones. Legs shaking uncontrollably the omega almost fell down if only he didn't a great amount of control over himself.

"The emperor will choose his suitor now" The minister annouced asking the selected to get ready for the ritual. The alpha stopped the minister from speaking any further and looked at the crowd with striking golden orbs to tell them who was the holding power over.

Taking an excruciatingly slow walk as he looked at his suitors with no care or emotion. Lan wangji enjoyed the look of anticipation in the eyes of several omegas and betas who were hoping that they will be the chosen one.

' oh crap' wei ying thought when slick ran down his thighs, the overpowering scent of his possible mate was already killing him , to top that off. It seemed as if the man was playing a game with his mate.

The smug look on lan wangji's face was enough to let his brother know that he had found his possible mate.

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