the result

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The door to the Jingshi opens and Wei Wuxian opens his eyes blearily, peeking through tired lids. It's barely noon yet and he's already exhausted, but he manages to bring a smile when he catches sight of his husband, happiness immediately perking him up.

"A-Ying," Lan Zhan says as he enters the privacy of their home, his antlers and tail flickering into existence. His scales glimmer when the sun hits it just right. "How is A-Yuan?"

"Just got him to sleep," Wei Wuxian says through a yawn, voice low to not wake up their son sleeping against his chest. As though sensing the subject of their discussion, A-Yuan stirs in between Wei Wuxian's arms, tiny fingers curling and relaxing. His mouth is slightly open, short and quick gusts of air escaping and entering.

He's absolutely perfect.

"Look, gege, we made him together." Wei Wuxian can't help staring at their son without end. It's been tiring but with the help of other disciples, some of the decent elders, Shijie, Jiang Cheng, Zewu-jun, and to his surprise, Lan Qiren, they're actually managing to raise a baby without major problems so far.

"A-Ying did most of the hard work," Lan Zhan says and gently caresses the soft tufts of A-Yuan's hair. The way he looks at A-Yuan is simply breath-taking, like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. Then, he glances up at Wei Wuxian. This time, his expression is unimaginably fonder as though he can't believe Wei Wuxian is finally here, after all these decades of waiting for him.

They found each other in the midst of time and fate and nurtured the potential of love between them. They had gotten A-Yuan too and he hadn't even thought his heart could expand so much to love and cherish another person this way.

Wei Wuxian will fight everything and anything to keep this. Good thing he knows Lan Zhan-his Hanguang-jun, his laoshi, his gege-will do the same.

After all, dragons are very protective of what belongs to them.

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